Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The technology is expected to hit big in telecom – New Technology

Tomorrow’s networks requires new equipment. System vendors such as Ericsson, Huawei, Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent with several promising new products which means that virtually all of today’s intelligent network products will be replaced.

Last week, told Ny Teknik that operator Deutsche Telekom in a few years to implement a major change of the grid in Germany. Many believe that the model that DT uses is the one that will hit it big.

In recent months, there has been published a steady stream of press releases about new products for virtualization, known NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) and SDN (Software Defined Networks).

NFV and SDN are two of the technical linchpins of the new network. The modernization will give network operators a big boost, with dramatic increase network capacity, new services and features in addition to substantially lower prices compared with current products.

But modernization will take time. Before the operators decide on new national network, they want the new products are verified in large-scale operation with several million users.

According Pontus Nyrelli , Technical Manager at Alcatel-Lucent, has the network operator is a new network architecture in service with millions of users today. Fredrik Wester, chief technology officer at Cisco, believes that it will take at least a year before any network there.

– I think we have network operators that have virtualized services based on NFV and SDN in large-scale operation within 12 to 18 months, he says.

Ericsson does not want this week commenting on how far the suppliers come up with the new technology.

– to introduce a new network architecture is a gradual process. Although much can be done soon, it will take many years before it is clear, says Tommy Ljunggren, head of network architecture in TeliaSonera Group.

Network operators AT & T and Deutsche Telekom are two operators who are betting that demonstrate leadership in their home markets.

– I know that one of the major Asian operators in 2013 made an invitation and wanted to procure a total of virtualized network equipment. But no supplier could meet the requirements, says Bengt Nordström in consultancy Stream North in Stockholm, which among other things helps network operators with the purchase of network equipment.

– I do not think there are functional products this year or next year either which meet network operators’ requirements, he says.

Bengt Nordström emphasizes that there is a gap between what many large network operators want to buy and what the system vendors are actually capable of delivering.

– Operators must go hand in hand with suppliers and introduce new technologies step by step and it’s a process that takes a great many years, says Bengt Nordström who do not believe in a rapid shift in technology.

At the same time there are important commercial issues to be resolved.

– Network operators want an open standard in their data centers. They want to be able to purchase applications from different vendors and run them on the same platform. They want to be able to mix both hardware and software. But according to what I know, its large system vendors today only proprietary platforms such as virtualized core network nodes and service nodes, says Bengt Nordström.

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