Saturday, February 28, 2015

New technology is making women visible in history – Today’s News

New technology opens up new worlds for historians and archaeologists. Tooth Enamel, sawed bones and ancient bacteria tells a different story than the grave goods and written sources.

When the Romans left England around the year 400 also disappeared cash economy, urban life, state and literacy. Therefore, we have no document that explains what happened. The written sources that are authored 500 years later, and is about men: kings and warriors invade the country.

– But most tangible evidence we have from the 400 and 500s associated with girls in their late teens and adult women, says Robin Fleming, professor of history at Boston College in Massachusetts in the United States.

She was one of the speakers at the major science conference AAAS in San Jose, Calif week.

theme of the conference was to make the invisible visible. Although girls and women are completely invisible in recorded history contains the graves many more things than men.

– This indicates that women played a central role. They should also be at the center of our story about the first centuries after Rome’s collapse. They are the people we can see best. Therefore, it is them we should write about, says Robin Fleming.

The graves are beads, brooches, buckles, bowls, remnants of clothing and sometimes weapons. But they do not always tell the story archaeologists have imagined. It shows skeletons teeth.

Tooth enamel is built up when we are small, and the atomic forms, isotopes of oxygen and strontium that is there talk about where a person drank water and ate bread as a child. Girls with jewelry and clothing that seems to be Germanic or come from Scandinavia proves immigrated west. Children and adults who are buried according to local practices and more British clothing has in fact spent his childhood in the Baltics.

– The women were not so interested to see where they came from. In contrast, they were really interested in experimenting. Partly out of necessity during a period of great change and population movements, but also because they were living in a new world where the old way of life was no longer possible, says Robin Fleming.

According to Robin Fleming is necessary To archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and chemists collaborate more so that we get a chance to understand what happened in the past.

– But most historians are afraid of science, she says.

Jenna Dittmar at Cambridge University who studies the history of medicine was not happy with what she found in written sources. Instead she studied skeletons from cemeteries, hospitals and prisons across the UK. Their bodies are buried between 1600 and 1900 and bears all the obvious signs of having been examined and dissected after death.

– It was during this time it was discovered much of the knowledge of the anatomy that we have today, Jenna says Dittmar.

She examines marks on the legs with the electron microscope and can see how the tools developed from rough wood saws to finer tools. Although methods vary. Around 1880 learns anatomists to cut open the skull so that the brain remains intact.

– Many of the techniques developed in the 1700s and 1800s used in medical education today, says Jenna Dittmar.

In 1826 came 700 young men to London to study to become a doctor. In the same year was executed 50 people. Because the dead criminals were the only corpses were legal to dissect there was a deficit of bodies to investigate.

– We see that the skeleton may have been cut apart and divided by up to ten different students. In addition, people became rich by stealing bodies from new graves and selling them to schools. In one documented case murdered a person 16 people to sell their bodies, says Jenna Dittmar.

Clark Spencer Larsen, professor of anthropology at Ohio University in Columbus, leading an excavation at the church of San Pietro a Pozzeveri Altopascio in Tuscany, Italy. The cemetery has been used as a burial ground since the 900s. Scientists can then examine how living conditions have changed over almost 1000 years.

In one part of the cemetery were buried victims of a cholera epidemic in the 1850s.

– Pour liquid lime over the bodies that the disease would not spread. It did not work particularly well, but you tried, said Clark Spencer Larsen.

Thanks chalice is the DNA of bacteria and other organisms preserved. The researchers are now trying to obtain genetic material from cholera bacteria to compare with today’s bacteria and see how they have evolved.

The skeletons Jenna Dittmar investigating traces of infections, chronic diseases, and sometimes what may be unsuccessful attempts to surgery. In the tombs of Tuscany, the dead have osteoarthritis of the spine and joints at a young age. It is a sign that they worked hard physically. Marks on the inside of the front teeth show that they are used as a tool. They also have stripes in the enamel – a lasting memory of that they were sick or malnourished as a child – and caries.

– Overall, this was not a nice place to stay, says Clark Spencer Larsen.

The skeletons from 400 century England also bears traces of injury, disease, malnutrition, and a really unhealthy life, according to Robin Fleming.

– But they actually lived longer than people did before The Fall of the Roman Empire. When they no longer had to pay taxes, they had simply more food left to eat.

AAAS conference, organized since 1848 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, one of the world’s largest scientific associations.


Friday, February 27, 2015

At the height skidstafett during the World Cup has SVT Play crashed. – New Technology

     At the height skidstafett during the World Cup has SVT Play crashed.

“We’ve done wrong, not you!” Is the message that meets trying to get started SVT Play during the World Cup in skiing in Falun.

SVT has suffered from technical problems, amidst the men’s relay in the skiing world championships. SVT Play, Kids Play, Open Archive, SVT Flow and certain pages on are affected.

When new technologies as SVT s IT manager, he is on vacation and could not yet comment on what happened. On SVT Play’s Twitter account notifies you that the technicians “working feverishly” to solve the problem, and that the following link “works for some.”

When new technology tests the link, however, granted that the servers are overloaded.


Arla wants to make cheese with GMO technology – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

– We believe that there is too much risk and too much that is unknown to us to let up this type of production, says Johan Ceije, Sales Director of Requirements, for the radio station.

With modern GMO technology it is possible to produce artificial rennet. But in the enzyme used in cheese-making are no GMO residues, according to Magnus Larsson at Arla Foods. The purpose of technology is to get a more cost-efficient cheese production.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Police: Combination of technical failure and human error – Aftonbladet

The police still do not know what caused the fatal crash in Lund.

Techniques to investigate the bus during the week and the driver is suspected of manslaughter.

On questioning he maintains that everything was an accident:

– It is something that has gone wrong and the driver has attempted to rescue the situation, but it ended awkwardly, says Greger Nilsson at police in Lund.

It was last Friday that a district heating pipeline sprang a leak and sprayed scalding water on passers in Lund. Amidst the chaos bolted a bus up on the sidewalk and mowed down a man 65 years of age who died of his injuries. Another three women in their 20s were slightly injured.

On Monday, police in Lund begun work to try to clarify what it was that caused the tragic accident.

– We are in the process coordinate multiple parties right now. We will have representatives from Transport Authority and the relevant bus operator Nobina when we examine the bus, says Greger Nilsson, investigators at the police in Lund.

Technical examination

Police in Lund will perform a technical vehicle examination at the end of the week.

– This is nothing we fix in a day. All’ve seen on the net what happened and it is clear that there are many issues. We’ll try to get answers to all questions as quickly as possible, says Greger Nilsson.

– Often in such accidents involves a combination of technical failure and human error.

The driver is currently on suspicion of manslaughter and bodily harm. The person is not arrested.

The driver will be interrogated again

– No, he’s home and hopefully he will be looked after by relatives and bus company staff. We have had a preliminary hearing with the driver where he has given his version of what happened. After the technical examination should we have further questioning him, says Greger Nilsson.

How has the driver explained the event?

– I can not go into on. This is a tragic accident and there is no one who does this on purpose. It is something that has gone wrong and the driver has attempted to rescue the situation, but it ended awkwardly.


The biodiesel driven out of the oil crisis – New Technology

     “I’m fucking pissed. If you should choose to drive environmentally friendly so they will not add taxes on it, “said Jorgen Emanuelsson, president of Emanuelssons Transport in Motala, who after New Year’s thoughts rapeseed oil biodiesel in 13 of the company’s trucks. Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 930 tonnes / year but the company may pay half a million dollars in higher taxes in 2015. On the right, David Varverud from Energy plant. Photo: Motala Photographic Images AB

The low oil price starts beating hard against the biodiesel. At the same time hit the renewable fuel at the turn of the increase in energy taxation.
– It’s very serious, not only for us, says David Varverud Power plant.

Since January, Energy Factory sales of rapeseed oil diesel to bus companies, trucking companies and other vehicle owners declined by a third. And since the use of biodiesel reduces carbon dioxide emissions by about 60 percent (compared to fossil diesel) affect the orders climate.

– I am convinced that what is happening now is contrary to what the Swedish citizens expect of policy, says partner David Varverud, whose company sells and distributes biodiesel throughout Sweden.

Behind the shift is dramatic falling crude oil prices that lately we have fossil diesel is cheaper. Liter price has fallen by around two crowns since last summer.

But also the increased energy tax on biodiesel introduced on 1 January hitting the biodiesel . It now costs just over a penny more per liter at höginblandning, and 1.40 more per liter at low admixture of fossil fuel, according to the Treasury Department.

Lars Lind, Managing Director of Perstorp Bioproducts, which annually produces approximately 130,000 tonnes of rapeseed oil biodiesel, RME, in Sweden:

– We have seen strong growth in recent years, but now sees an uncertainty in the market. It affects perhaps not as much bus company in collective liner with strong environmental ambitions, as smaller truck with a tough economy.

Such is Ruddammens haulage in Örebro. Last year, started to walk over to refuel 100 percent biodiesel in the company’s timber trucks, which together consume 420,000 liters of fuel per year. But since the turn drive on regular diesel again.

– We do not have the margins that we can run on RME given that it is expensive and involves more hassle, says the haulage firm owner Patrik Larsson.

With the fuss he means denser fuel filter replacements and service intervals. He continues:

– But I think it is so wrong that governments hitting the legs out from all who want to drive environmentally friendly.

At the same time points out Ulric Långberg, an expert at the Swedish Road Haulage Companies, many carriers have contracts which involve allowing the transport buyer pay separately for diesel fuel. And therefore are not extremely price sensitive.

But the clause does not apply to biodiesel, says Patrik Larsson.

– Will it be more expensive, I pay.

Agitation in the biodiesel industry is fueled by that one believes that the tax rests on the erroneous calculations from the Swedish Energy Agency. The estimates from 2013 is now the basis for the EU Commission considers the tax exemption for biodiesel type Fame, with rapeseed oil biodiesel included, been too big, with reference to state aid rules.

Therefore, Parliament chose to raise the tax on Fame biodiesel from January this year. At the same time the tax was liberated HVO, a more processed and more expensive biodiesel.

– We think the government handled this very badly and that it combats climate ambitions , says Lars Lind at Perstorp Bioproducts.

Charlotte Svensson, State Secretary of Finance Magdalena Andersson, emphasizes that Sweden must have the European Commission approval to provide state aid and that biofuels should not be over-compensated.

– But we understand that this is not a long-term and good system . What we do now is to investigate the feasibility of introducing a quota obligation system to cost-effectively reward biofuels, says Charlotte Smith.

The February 26 may Treasury new estimates from the Energy Agency – which compares fuels production costs – but what the political outcome could be she does not know.

What is the Government that the sharp decline in oil prices could also affect other renewable forms of energy from sun and wind?

– We think there is a problem, and examines how we can make sure to reward renewable energy. Proposals will in the autumn budget.

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Genuine Jeep technology in Fiat’s small SUV – New Technology

Fiat 500 X is an off-road version of the small car that gets 500 technology in the new extended family.

Fiat 500 X is a further variant of the popular small car 500, which this time shows up in the form of a small SUV. And for once it is not wrong to use the name Jeep to describe the terrain characteristics.

Since Fiat and Chrysler merged included now automotive brand Jeep in the family, and from this model Renegade received lend technique when Fiat engineers would be tough for the little 500 and make an off-road version of it.

Fiat 500 X is available with several options available, and with various gasoline and diesel engines.


Ukraine and Technology lifted Wall Street – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

The next ceasefire in Ukraine also calmed investors’ nerves, although everyone is aware that it is a fragile agreement. The settlement also affected oil prices, which rose during the day. A futures contract Brent crude rose above 4 percent.

The Swedish lowering the policy rate also gave a little echo in the big world, at least in the beginning of the trading day. Reuters noted that “the Swedish central bank’s incentive took the market by surprise.”

The Dow Jones industrial index rose 0.6 percent, while the Nasdaq composite index rose 1.2 percent.


For Sale (still): J35 Draken 1964 – New Technology

J35 Draken from 1964 in mint condition. For sale for only 425,000 dollars. And there are five more for sale in the United States. But interest is cool.

There are aircraft broker Platium Fighter Sales in California who put the Dragon Planet to sale on its website. It is unmistakably similar to the Dragon Plan which was previously for sale at aircraft broker Wolfe Aviation in San Francisco and New Technology wrote about in September 2010.

Hello Simon Brown, owner of Platinum Fighter Sales. Is it the same plane?

– Yes, the Dragon: I have for sale is the same one you wrote about five years ago, answers Simon Brown at Ny Teknik emails.

Even then, the plane had remained unsold at Wolfe Aviation in Stockton east of San Francisco for five years. Aircraft Broker Verlyn Wolfe still had reduced the price several times from 499,000 dollars to 175,000 dollars and thought that he would be forced to lower further.

– It is a piece of history that I have mentioned here. It is a shame that she will stand on the ground and collect dust, said Verlyn Wolfe.

But there was no deal. Instead, the plane completely renovated and walked over to Los Angeles realtor Platium Fighter Sales. Where the price has gone up again after the renovation. Simon Brown offers out there for 425,000 dollars, nearly 3.5 million.

– Right now this is the only dragon Plan is on sale. It has gone through a ordenlig renovation in recent years. But the current owner has through its business partners access to five additional Dakenplan and we discuss whether we should not put them for sale too, writes Simon Brown to new technologies.

In that case, will also lay out a comprehensive stock of spare parts and several spare engines to försäljnjngen.

– It’s enough to keep six Dragon Plane flying for many years, says Simon Brown.

The plan ended up in the US for about fifteen years ago and comes from both the Swedish and the Danish Air Force.

– They have been used on a government contract. The plan has been playing villains during naval exercises, says Simon Brown.

In the US, it is quite common for enthusiasts own old fighter aircraft. But just J35 Draken and the corresponding is no cheap toys. With the afterburner, it consumes 400 liters of jet fuel in minutes. Expect an hourly rate of over 80 000 SEK. And the pilot must be trained and certified to fly jets.

To find a buyer in Sweden is unlikely. The plane is registered in the US and to take it over to Europe requires entirely new state by a rather bureaucratic process.


Dare to try techniques that can save the Baltic Sea – New Technology

EDITORIAL. To solve large-scale environmental problems by changing natural processes, so-called geoingeneering, is debated. An example is when large mirrors or chemicals proposed to be used to stop the warming of the atmosphere.

Ms Baltscheffsky

     Ny Teknik’s chief editor Susanna Baltscheffsky.

Doubts manipulating natural system also applies to attempts to reduce eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. It turned out at a seminar at the university last week.

Population Growth and farms around the Baltic Sea causes lots of nutrients has been leaked for decades from land. The result is that the ocean ecosystem no longer work.

Now the agricultural measures to stop the leakage of nutrients to produce results. The amounts of fertilizing phosphorus today is as low as they were in the 1950s. The new problem is that there is so much phosphorus refueled in the Baltic Sea water masses and sediments, the sea fattens itself like a player piano.

To bring order to algal blooms and dead zones in the next 50 years, the phosphorus depots in the ocean decrease dramatically. And it will not happen naturally.

The seminar focused on different technical solutions by chemical or mechanical means that the phosphorus bound fixed in the bottom sediments. New technologies have told several of them that have been tested. But the attempts are far too few of the methods to be used on a broad front.

Several Baltic Experts pointed out that the risks to the ecosystem must be investigated better . The subject is infected. The seminar was also an arena for conversation.

While it is wise to be cautious. There are good reasons for example, find out whether the large-scale uptake of metals that can bind rapids antiquity also provides long-term adverse effects.

But in the this case, the ecosystem is already difficult manipulated. Decades supply of substances which are normally scarce have changed the natural processes. Key species such as cod and bladderwrack is beleaguered. What processes are natural and worthy of protection today? The risk is that precautions put a dead hand of creative solutions and innovative. The technology can be an important component to make the Baltic Sea healthy again.

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Vattenfall, Fortum wants 90 dollars for full-electric vehicle tank – New Technology

Now the power companies’ charm offensive against electric car owners over. Having previously been free to fast charge electric car it costs now 90 dollars for 30 minutes to “full tank” of Vattenfall, Fortum. “Too expensive,” says electric car owners.

Loading electric car

     From free to 90 kronor charge. There are new direction for the electric vehicle refueling from Vattenfall and Fortum. Photo: All over the press

Vattenfall, Fortum wants 90 dollars for full-electric vehicle tank

     How much does a quick charge (click to enlarge). Graphics: Jonas Askergren

– I personally think that it should only cost half as much as Vattenfall, Fortum wants to fast charge, says Örjan Hedblom, editor of the newspaper The electric car in Sweden, to new technologies.

Also the organization of Green Motorists are critical to the two largest electricity companies in Sweden now started charging for electric car electricity.

– This announcement comes at a time when electric car sales are stalling at low levels, says Martin Prieto Beaulieu, spokesman for the Green Motorists.

He says that for those who load its electric car with Vattenfall and Fortum quick charger, it will at best be just as expensive to run on electricity, petrol or diesel. At worst, twice or three times as expensive, depending on the charging effect, charger and car model.

Also magazine We Bilägare reasoning in the same way. The magazine has a BMW i3, a pure electric vehicle according to the newspaper needs to be recharged approximately 50 minutes in fast charger to run tio mil.

– It will be an expense of SEK 15 per mil, or about twice as much as a gasoline-powered car of the same size. To download the corresponding current home costs less than SEK 20, writes We Bilägare.

Both Vattenfall and Fortum fast charger has an output of 50 kW the Japanese standard CHAdeMO and the European Combo standard CCS. Both provide DC power directly from the pole to the battery.

A third variant is also available for AC load with a power of 43 kW.

The rule of thumb is that a snabbladning from empty battery to 80 percent full charge takes approximately 30 minutes. To fully charge to 100 percent is not recommended because it takes a relatively long time for the last 20 percent.

Vattenfall, Fortum has stopped identical price lists when it comes to quick charge.

  • Quick charge 3 crowns per minute.

Fortum also has a price list for semi-rapid and slow charge.

  • Semi Quick charge of SEK 1.50 per minute.
  • Normal charging 5 kronor per hour which means about 8 cents a minute for a “full tank”.

Än so far only Vattenfall, Fortum that charge for fast charging. Local utility companies in connection with the Green Highway in Jämtland and along the electric car road E6 and nearby areas still to this panel.

But it is probably a matter of time before it costs everywhere.

Öresundskraft in Helsingborg, in cooperation with the Danish Clever during the year to put up with 35 quick chargers ABB along the E6 and E4 partially funded by EU money.

But it will cost to refuel.

– Yes it is not free. But we have not set any prices yet, says Christer Nilsson, project manager for major investment.

But to charge a Tesla Model S will always be free, promises Tesla founder Elon Musk. The price of electricity is already baked into the price of the car.

Tesla built at breakneck speed up a network of own fast charger in both Europe and North America. So far it has installed nearly 100 so-called Supercharge pillars at 13 locations in Sweden. There are as many as the number of CHAdeMO and CCS together.

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New Swedish satellite in the dishwasher formats – New Technology

     In three years it is time for a satellite named Mats giving up.

After the success of nano- and micro-satellites Odin, Smart-1 and Prisma is time for Mats – A new Swedish, dishwasher major research satellite to be launched into space in three years.

Johan Backstrom

     Johan Backstrom, Sales Manager at AAC Microtec.

It is Swedish National Space Board, which invests a total of 83 million on the satellite Mats and cost of launch.

Mats, which should be read Mesospheric airglow / Aerposol Tomography and Spectroscopy, will be equipped with a specially designed instrument to investigate the waves in the upper atmosphere and their impact on the climate.

The satellite is being built the two satellite specialists OHB in Kista and AAC Microtec in Uppsala, while the instrument that will measure space waves, developed by researchers at Stockholm University.

– We have been working for over two years with the design and then it takes just as long to build it. In early 2018, we expect to be able to defer Mats, says Johan Backstrom, Sales Manager at AAC Microtec, to new technologies.

Already have begun to seek appropriate rocket that can take Mats into space at the right time. Only the launch cost 10-15 million.

– Mats should be in a so-called dawn-and-dusk-court and the Not all rockets are designed for the track, says Johan Backstrom.

AAC Microtec, which is a spin-off from the Ångström Laboratory and OHB, who is the former SSC’s satellite department, has formed partnerships to develop a micro-satellite that does not weigh more than 40 kilograms in standard form and having the dimensions 60x70x85 centimeters.

– As a dishwasher about, says Johan Backstrom.

Mats is the first Swedish satellite on the new technology platform that we dubbed Innosat – innovative satellite platform. It has taken a lot of technology from the acclaimed microsatellites, “shoebox satellites”, which ÅAC previously launched.

– We build ourselves the electronic power system and the computer system and buy navigation, gps, solar panels, batteries and other things from others. Our thing is that we can radiation protection of the electronics, to protect it from heavy ions and electrons flying around in space, says Johan Backstrom.

He believes in a bright future for the new Innosat platform. There is a clear trend towards smaller and cheaper satellites over the world.

– There are upwards of 3000 småsatelliter in circulation right now and it add hundreds of new ones every year. It certainly fierce price competition in this market but we are recognized innovative and cost effective as we believe in a bright future, says Johan Backstrom.

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Monday, February 9, 2015

Come up with a clever invention – grinding out of jail – New Technology

A slightly different way to drive technology development.

An invention can provide a ticket out of jail.

     An invention can provide a ticket out of jail. Photo: All over the press

Are you sitting in a Chinese prison, you can get a deduction on sentence if you develop a new, useful technology. It writes the New York Times with reference to the Chinese newspaper Beijing Youth Sheet.

The examples given a medical officer sentenced to eight years in prison for bribery. He received the sentence shortened by one year and three months, after he has patented a nose protection of single model that filters air pollution.

But newspaper reports that the system has given rise to an extensive black market trade, where convicted criminals buy patents of the real inventors. A patent for an invention is easier said to cost the equivalent of about 9700 crowns, while patents on more complex technologies can cost upwards of 85 000 SEK.

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Saturday, February 7, 2015

So it went for retractable studs Nokian – New Technology

The Finnish giant tire Nokian Tyres’ the evolution of the flexible studded tire on ice. “It’s complicated. There is nothing in the near future,” says Matti Morri, the company’s chief technology officer for New Technology.

Nokian studded tires

     Nokian Tyres put out a film on studded tires with studs that folds in and out. Now is the focus laid on the ice. Photo: Nokian

So it went for retractable studs Nokian

     The studs go in and out. Photo: Nokian

In February last year, Nokian Tyres out a video on Youtube and a short text about “the future of studded tires” where the studs automatic protrudes when it is cold and icy and retracts when it’s warm and snow-free.

In a short section of the film shows how the driver pressing a control button and the next picture you can see detail of a tire with studs that go in and out. The rest of the movie is a classic car commercial with great shots where a car go fast on a slippery surface and then the brakes on short distance.

In text on Nokian Tyres’ website revealed no details about the technologies that may studs to move. (Link to press release)

When new technology calls up and asks how close we are a commercial launch respond Matti Morri that it is not current in the near future.

– It is a complex technology and a complex industrial process, he said.

But how does it work technically?

- We can not reveal. There are industrial secrets, he says to new technology.

According to Mikael Fernholm, inventor of a variable double-settled wireless transmission, was Nokian Tyres movie just a publicity stunt.

– The first time I saw the film, I sent an email to the Nokian where I expressed my concern that Nokian might have infringed on my patent. Development Director Mikko Liukkula called back and said I did not have to worry about me. Nokian Tyres will never sell such a tire. The whole thing was a publicity stunt, according to him, says Mikael Fernholm.

Michael Fernholms patented technology is based on a custom-made wax press the spike pin when the heating wires get the wax to melt and expand and then pull the pin when the power is turned off and the wax hardens and creates a vacuum in the double cylinder.

According to Mikael Fernholm are Nokian system slowly.

– The major flaw is that Nokian studded come out only after 4 seconds and set to 2 seconds. It will not go faster how much they are developing the technology. This means that Nokian studded tires variable can never be used in emergencies. Also, it costs the studs and the tires they sit for more than the entire Porsche which they are mounted in the film, says Mikael Fernholm.


Now white spot in the Arctic deleted – New Technology

Svalbard. Life in the Arctic seas in winter is as unexplored as a white spot on the map. New Technology is on an expedition to collect samples around the clock. Winters without ice opens to investigate the unknown, before it’s too late.

The researcher Sünnje Basedow stands ready at her laser optical plankton counter (LOPC), which is soon to be lowered into the sea. She will survey some of the ecosystem’s most important organisms: copepods, Calanus in Latin. They are microscopically small, but vital staple food for other marine animals, fish and whales.

The darkness of Kongsfjorden is compact. Beyond the vessel RV Helmer Hanssen’s headlights, it is just black. The time after midnight when the crew members in yellow overalls and yellow helmets, locks the instrument in a wire before it is winched down, gently but firmly, to 300 meters depth.

New technology is having on board when researchers and students for the second year doing the expedition Polar Night to collect and analyze samples in the waters around Svalbard. With various technical means seeking the answers to basic facts about the marine life in the winter.

The four dark months, one third of the Arctic years, we know nothing really about.

– There is a perception that fish and plankton goes into a kind of stupor. But we have seen that much of what happens in the winter of great importance for the growth period in the summer, says Stig Falk-Petersen, expedition leader and professor at the Arctic University of Tromso.

Samtidigt is the quest for oil, gas and other natural resources in the Arctic intense. Even ship traffic increases, and besides tourism, when the ice melts due to the warmer climate, and the polar regions will become more accessible.

An exploit in different industries tend to assure that all activities in the Arctic should be done with the highest standards of environmental stewardship. But not even they know anything about the ecosystem in the winter.

Plankton Counter LOPC is lowered along the side of the ship. When the water flows out through a gap which is seven times seven centimeters.

Small animals, between 200 and 3000 micron size, count when passing a laser beam directed at a mirror, which in turn sends back the light to a photodiode. An underwater PC records the number twice per second, all the way down to the bottom.

With the instrument becomes the bills much faster and more accurate, tells Sünnje Basedow.

While sitting Soren Häfker, graduate student from the German Alfred Wegener Institute, in the laboratory on the lower deck, bent over a microscope. His issue is with copepods orientation to do.

During the summer they follow a circadian rhythm. They rise to the surface at night to eat the phytoplankton. On the day they hide in the depths of not being eaten themselves. Other copepod species, not found in the Arctic, makes the same day movements in the winter. Then they are guided not by light but by a genetic clock. The question is whether the same is true arctic species.

To answer performs Soren Häfker 24-hour experiment to collect copepods different times of the day and then make gene analyzes of them at home in Germany.

Every four hours lowered a fine-mesh landing net to the bottom, where copepods winters, and pulled up in the open position to 200 meters depth. There shut net and pulled up with its content of animal from the bottom – 300 meters – 200 meters depth.

There goes a bit si and so. Several times caught too few copepods and time consuming håvdraget must be repeated.

Somewhat more advanced is a multihåv with five different networks that can unfolded at different depths. A motor with pressure sensors programmed to release the ocean after landing net, as the instrument is winched up from the bottom.

Malin Daase, at the University of Tromso, using multi seas to identify at what depths the four-five different copepod species are present during winter. She programming the engine so that the first line goes from the bottom of the depth of 300 meters to 200 meters and the last from 20 meters to the surface.

– I’m also looking for active males during the dark time, she says.

This is another example of basic knowledge is lacking about the Arctic winter.

Many of the approximately fifteen scientists aboard currently studying the copepod, as there are a handful of different species in the Arctic. Its critical role in the food web because they can transform their food with low energy content, fat with high energy content. And they come in massive quantities and is therefore the most important food for fish and baleen whales in the Arctic.

– why it’s important to know the mechanism to wander up and down even exist at these. Otherwise we can not know if they are affected by the warmer climate, explains Sören Häfker and looking forward among their samples.

Other researchers on board examine diatoms in the sediments or cod eating habits.

The different instruments flown in and out of the water 24 hours a day. The rent for the ship is 180 000 per day, so the time onboard is too precious to be slept away. And really it does not matter when you sleep because it is as dark in the daytime as at night.

Marine Biological expeditions to the Polar Night, taking samples this far north in winter, has not been possible to do until now. A crucial factor is the development of technology.

– We have buoys under the ice that measure important parameters throughout the year when we are not here. Once a year we drain them on the data we need, for example, currents, salinity, water temperature, particulate matter and chlorophyll, says Professor Paul Renaud is expedition coordinator. But the warmer climate is also a reason for winter expeditions going to do.

– Just ten years ago, these fjords covered of ice this time of year.

There is also a problem that conditions change, because researchers want to investigate a so unaffected ecosystems possible.

– It’s like shooting at a moving target, says Paul Renaud.

Under the four days at sea we move on open water. Only on a few occasions thuds chunks of ice against the ship’s bow. But they do not come from seawater that has frozen, but from a glacier, Kongsbreen, which flows into the fjord.

The weather is quite quiet, and the temperature is pleasant minus seven to eight degrees. But when the wind picks up, the literally ice cold. When the gloves come off to be able to photograph, I feel your fingers soon as lollies.

Every day, at noon, I go up on tires for understanding how dark it is. Day dark is as black as pitch darkness. The only difference is a muted glow subscribing behind the mountain crests that plunges steeply into Kongsfjorden. The absence of light can not imagine, it must be experienced.

Just after two years of investigation, it is clear that the activity of the animals in sea ​​does not turn off when the light disappears. I see several marine insects that carry the eggs, indicating that reproduction is in full swing even in winter.

– The whole idea of project is to understand all seasons, says Stig Falk-Petersen, who is also one of the initiators of the “Polar Night” project.

– Average temperatures in the Arctic have risen by two degrees since 1987, that is significantly more than the global increase (which is 0.8 ° C, editor’s note), says Stig Falk- Petersen.

To understand the impact of the climate of the Arctic ecosystem is the need for measurements big.

Scientists have barely time for his mission.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Everything points towards India for Volvo Information Technology – New Technology

It is only weeks left before the sale of Volvo’s large-scale IT operations with several thousand employees publication. The world’s major consulting firms have gold weathering but there may be a relatively unknown Indian consultant who wins the deal.

Volvo chief Olof Johansson confirmed the closing presentation last Thursday that there is an ongoing review of IT operations and that it will be an answer soon.

– We are working as fast as we can with this issue and we promise there will be an answer now in the first quarter, says Olof Pettersson.

One of Volvo’s major shareholder Christer Gardell has long been critical of Volvo IT would be part of Volvo.

– I do not think Volvo is the most efficient provider of IT services, said Christer Gardell Dagens Industri a year ago.

It was clear that several major IT consultancies courted Volvo with concrete proposals to take over Volvo IT.

Companies mentioned in the speculations are all great – from the American giants IBM, HP and CSC to European Tieto, CGI and Capgemini. Even Indian Tata Consultancy Services, which for decades has built up a large business in Sweden, are on the list.

But the company who increasingly singled out in the speculations are Indian Tech Mahindra, consultant part of the giant Indian industrial and services group Mahindra Group, whose subsidiary of Mahindra & amp; Mahindra was involved in the bidding for Saab Automobile.

– What is special with Tech Mahindra is that they are eager to grow and they are already inside the Volvo Sphere. It is a very hot kanditat, said IDC analyst Johan Hallberg Ny Teknik’s sister magazine Digital Technology in December ..

Tech Mahindra made his entry into Sweden for spring 2013 when it bought the Sony Mobile’s test lab in Lund and declared its intention to grow in Sweden and Scandinavia.

A year later, in March 2014, came the news that Tech Mahindra won the tender competition for a large consultancy contract with Volvo Cars. This applies to the support of IT infrastructure and service to the Volvo Cars factory in Sweden, Belgium and China.

The next move was to open a consultant office in Torslanda to be closer to his new major customer. The office was established in the fall when the agreement with Volvo Cars took effect.

– By establishing ourselves here, we want to become a serious player in Sweden and show that we are supposed to be here for a long time, said Sundar Sankaralingam, director of the office in Gothenburg, GP last fall.

Exactly how much of Volvo IT, which will be sold is still unclear.

– We are reviewing the entire IT operations, everywhere we engage. Some are specifically linked to our core business and fully conclusive, said Volvo AB’s CIO China Wileke to New Technology in November last year.

Volvo IT is one of the leading IT consulting firms. It has existed as an internal department within the Volvo Group for decades, long before cars were sold to Ford Motor Company

From the beginning it was mainly Volvo Group mainframes and industrial it was in focus but gradually came PC management and SAP business system into the picture. During the 1980′s and 1990 numbers outsourcing trend extended Volvo IT, their domains and took over the operation of many large enterprise IT operations.

The largest customers today, except for the Volvo Group and Volvo Cars, SCA, Assa Abloy and Stockholm City.

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

America’s telecommunications authority will regulate the Internet – New Technology

On 26 February Vote America’s telecommunications authority the FCC on a new, tough regulation of Internet providers. The network companies are cheering while telecom and cable companies are bracing themselves for battle.

Tom Wheeler, chairman of the US Nations telecommunications agency FCC has announced that he intends to introduce “the strongest protection for open internet that has ever been proposed by the FCC.” It is clear from an article in Wired magazine.

The Authority’s five commissioners will vote on the proposal on 26 February.

acquis applies what is called Net Neutrality – it shall be prohibited for ISPs to provide certain traffic prevail against payment , or else to throttle traffic. The debate on net neutrality in the US has been going on for several years.

The regulation introduces internet access, both fixed and mobile, are defined under a clause of the US Telecommunications Act relating to telephony, which gives the FCC the opportunity to demand transparency and equal treatment, and to monitor compliance with regulations.

Nätbolag such as Netflix rejoices in the FCC’s proposal, while the large ISPs – traditional telecom and cable companies like Comcast and Verizon – protests and claims that the regulation will mean less investment in networks and less innovation.

One of the objectives of the regulatory framework is to reduce the risk of abuse of a dominant market position. The FCC has about 96 percent of Americans access to up to two providers of fixed Internet.

Similar regulations exist for many years in Europe. Since 2000 there is also a demand in Europe for local access, ie the possibility for other operators to connect to telecommunications and cable companies’ managements to the consumer. Tom Wheeler writes in Wired that this will not be included in the new framework.

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