Sunday, February 22, 2015

Police: Combination of technical failure and human error – Aftonbladet

The police still do not know what caused the fatal crash in Lund.

Techniques to investigate the bus during the week and the driver is suspected of manslaughter.

On questioning he maintains that everything was an accident:

– It is something that has gone wrong and the driver has attempted to rescue the situation, but it ended awkwardly, says Greger Nilsson at police in Lund.

It was last Friday that a district heating pipeline sprang a leak and sprayed scalding water on passers in Lund. Amidst the chaos bolted a bus up on the sidewalk and mowed down a man 65 years of age who died of his injuries. Another three women in their 20s were slightly injured.

On Monday, police in Lund begun work to try to clarify what it was that caused the tragic accident.

– We are in the process coordinate multiple parties right now. We will have representatives from Transport Authority and the relevant bus operator Nobina when we examine the bus, says Greger Nilsson, investigators at the police in Lund.

Technical examination

Police in Lund will perform a technical vehicle examination at the end of the week.

– This is nothing we fix in a day. All’ve seen on the net what happened and it is clear that there are many issues. We’ll try to get answers to all questions as quickly as possible, says Greger Nilsson.

– Often in such accidents involves a combination of technical failure and human error.

The driver is currently on suspicion of manslaughter and bodily harm. The person is not arrested.

The driver will be interrogated again

– No, he’s home and hopefully he will be looked after by relatives and bus company staff. We have had a preliminary hearing with the driver where he has given his version of what happened. After the technical examination should we have further questioning him, says Greger Nilsson.

How has the driver explained the event?

– I can not go into on. This is a tragic accident and there is no one who does this on purpose. It is something that has gone wrong and the driver has attempted to rescue the situation, but it ended awkwardly.


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