Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dare to try techniques that can save the Baltic Sea – New Technology

EDITORIAL. To solve large-scale environmental problems by changing natural processes, so-called geoingeneering, is debated. An example is when large mirrors or chemicals proposed to be used to stop the warming of the atmosphere.

Ms Baltscheffsky

     Ny Teknik’s chief editor Susanna Baltscheffsky.

Doubts manipulating natural system also applies to attempts to reduce eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. It turned out at a seminar at the university last week.

Population Growth and farms around the Baltic Sea causes lots of nutrients has been leaked for decades from land. The result is that the ocean ecosystem no longer work.

Now the agricultural measures to stop the leakage of nutrients to produce results. The amounts of fertilizing phosphorus today is as low as they were in the 1950s. The new problem is that there is so much phosphorus refueled in the Baltic Sea water masses and sediments, the sea fattens itself like a player piano.

To bring order to algal blooms and dead zones in the next 50 years, the phosphorus depots in the ocean decrease dramatically. And it will not happen naturally.

The seminar focused on different technical solutions by chemical or mechanical means that the phosphorus bound fixed in the bottom sediments. New technologies have told several of them that have been tested. But the attempts are far too few of the methods to be used on a broad front.

Several Baltic Experts pointed out that the risks to the ecosystem must be investigated better . The subject is infected. The seminar was also an arena for conversation.

While it is wise to be cautious. There are good reasons for example, find out whether the large-scale uptake of metals that can bind rapids antiquity also provides long-term adverse effects.

But in the this case, the ecosystem is already difficult manipulated. Decades supply of substances which are normally scarce have changed the natural processes. Key species such as cod and bladderwrack is beleaguered. What processes are natural and worthy of protection today? The risk is that precautions put a dead hand of creative solutions and innovative. The technology can be an important component to make the Baltic Sea healthy again.

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