Monday, June 1, 2015

How much torn mobile battery at night charge? – New Technology

Heat and deep discharges wear most on the mobile battery. The risk of overcharging, however small according to the battery expert Viktor Ekermo.

How to get mobile battery last longer ? One of the areas of the SNCC has received Ny Teknik readers to react. Is it true that the lithium-ion batteries Mobile harmed by charging over night?

– No, that’s not true. There is electronic in battery, which ensures that there will not be overcharged. When it’s fully charging stops, said Viktor Ekermo, director of battery test center at ETC Battery and Fuel Cells Sweden in Nol.

There are, however another reason to pull the plug when the phone is fully charged.

– It happened to be badly made mobile charger becoming overheated and caused fires says Viktor Ekermo, but adds that it is very unusual.

Best way to get mobile battery to last is to ensure that do not keep it too warm. Mobile manufacturer Apple warns, for example, to the battery permanently damaged if the cell phone is stored at temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius.

Another tip is to avoid draining the battery completely, something that is also included in the councils of the SNCC.

– Single deep discharges do nothing but if it occurs frequently affects life expectancy. It is therefore better to recharge often, says Viktor Ekermo.

The battery would be designed for a certain number of charge cycles do not match.

– There is no specific maximum occupancy. Several factors influence where the temperature is the most important.

Playing it matter which charger you have?

Yes, a test that ETC recently implemented the Testfakta showed, among other things, major differences in the efficiency and power consumption in standby mode.

Där originalladdarna generally fared best.

– While draws so little that it may not affect the electricity bill then it’s unnecessary energy, says Viktor Ekermo.

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