Detail from the graphics on the monitoring, an enlarged version on the right.
PTS supervision of the Telia treats its customers traffic grows. Last week was the first survey at the premises of the company. KTH researcher Konrad Tollmar calls for greater transparency on how operators are using big data.
For the first time, the National Post and Telecom Agency, PTS, examined TeliaSonera’s Swedish operations processing of traffic data at site at the company.
The Agency began in December 2013 – with the support of the Electronic Communications Act, GAME – an oversight of how the Swedish telecom giant and several other selected operators manage traffic. Ie information on how, where and when you call, messar, chatting, surfing or e-mailing.
– The Review is about how to handle traffic data for example on the type of data stored, and when the storage is done , for what purposes, how long and what treatments done. These questions are general and not linked to any particular system or technology solution, says Peder Crist Hay, a lawyer at the PTS network security department.
In March 2015 revealed Ny Teknik that Telia stored his over six million mobile customers location data for 26 months – that is unusually long, given that the data for law enforcement only be stored for six months for privacy reasons.
Other traffic coup marriage turned out later saved 26 months. PTS then resumed the examination paused during 2014. The location was chosen solely focus on Telia. Other operators which occurred early in supervision, such as TDC, Tele2 and Lyca Mobile, left aside for the moment.
– We will go on with the other later. The experience of Telia supervision will be beneficial, says Peder Crist Vallarta.
Correspondence and meetings take place. In November notify PTS lawyers Telia to see the need to get the technical systems demonstrated in a live environment at the company.
On Wednesday last week visited several lawyers and information security specialist Michael Ejner, PTS, Telia’s computer center in Haninge and headquarters in Farsta.
– We wanted to obtain a detailed picture of how traffic data is handled, says Peder Crist Vallarta.
After the visit, he describes and Michael Ejner the current IT environment at TeliaSonera as very complex.
– We have thus learned that there are many systems and sub-systems, and they have different retention periods for traffic, says Mikael Ejner.
The visit January 13 concerned only the commercial systems. Only later in the year, Telia must demonstrate their system that saves data for law enforcement.
Both Ejner and Crist Vall states for supervision visit that authority now needs to ask several new and additional questions to telecom giant.
– Even if, by the visit went a little more deeply into the IT environment, we currently still only had time to get an overall view of it, explains Mikael Ejner.
In addition to that authority also go ahead and watch the company’s reasons for long-term saving data.
The supervision is also included to inspect analysis tool that Telia use to treat clients’ big data.
– As far as traffic data are used for example in a monitoring system or other analysis, it is of interest to us to find out the treatments done and for what purposes, says Peder Crist Vallarta.
Among other things, the company uses advanced analysis tool Expert Analytics from Ericsson, which helps operators compiling customer data in the networks and to present them with easy to read graphics on computer screens.
After an evaluation autumn of 2015, Telia has reduced its storage for 6-24 months for various systems (see graphic). But for advertisement purposes saved data on the number of SMS, MMS, emails and calls made throughout the 36 months.
Irene Krohn, Telia’s press officer, says that the company is open to demonstrate their equipment.
– We see it as a natural part of the oversight and as an effective way to meet and exchange information, she says.
TeliaSonera has previously stated its 40 datacenters globally, but that number will decrease . How many people are in Sweden want the press officer not to reveal.
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