After the terrorist attacks in Paris, the government wants to give the Security Service and the police the right to use “secret data readings”. But how far the politicians want to join in the fight against terrorism is still unclear.
Ever since the attack on the French satire signatories to the magazine Charlie Hebdo and police officers in January 2015, Interior Minister Anders Ygeman stood in the spotlight and answered questions about how similar painful events to be averted at home.
– We must cope mind the idea that a terrorist attack could happen in Sweden. You can not protect against everything – but we do everything we can to protect ourselves, ‘he said afterwards.
But still the Government believes that more is needed. In August, the minister proposed a series of new anti-terror measures.
Given the hyper-rapid development of new encrypted services like Anders Ygeman including letting investigate a proposal in 2005 to allow the police to obtain the right to place spyware computers, mobiles and tablets – so-called secret data reading.
the police would then have the opportunity to not only take part of the communication in plain language by listening to the units sound card – but also ensure all other information available on computer / cell phone / plate.
Even today, the police may eavesdrop on electronic information after the court decision, and computers and mobiles will be examined during the search.
the proposal for secret data reading from 2005 was rejected because it was contrary to the European Convention on human rights and the protection of privacy.
on november 13, 2015 crippled the French capital than once by gunfire from men in black masks. The terrorist group Islamic State put out 130 lives and injured over 350 people. It is the worst terrorist atrocity in Europe since World War II.
After that, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven issue of secret data reading to her:
– We can not have the regime that they (criminals; editor’s note) says that now we go over to Skype when SAPO listens to them.
in December, the government and the alliance parties agreed on 13 points in the fight against terrorism. Inter alia secret data reading but also “alternative methods” to be investigated.
The agreement states that: “In the investigation, the benefits of secret data reading weighed against alternative methods to justify the need.”
It can be interpreted as even less privacy-sensitive measures should be considered. But “alternative methods” could just as easily be even more far-reaching measures.
According to the agreement alliance parties have the opportunity to influence the wording of the directives. Moderate advocates, for example, that the police should have the right to order the signals by the FRA, the National Defence Radio Establishment, on the investigations into the crimes. It makes neither the FBI or the police do today. The use of intelligence as evidence in court would have safeguarded the legal principles of transparency how the data was collected.
Should the proposal be considered, there must also probably brought clarity of FRA today hacking into computers. According to Anders Mr Power, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Siun, State Inspection for defense intelligence, the FRA today do not engage in this activity (active signals) in Sweden.
Much of how the upcoming data reading to be designed is therefore unclear.
– a lot has happened in technology since 2005, which may have made the old proposal obsolete, says Deputy Director Eva Bloch in the Justice Department, which has the mission to develop the terms of reference. They should be ready in March.
– Both the legal and technical design of the secret data reading as a method in the fight against crime must now be analyzed carefully by investigators, she said.
A lot of countries use State Trojans, which often consists of a large variety of sophisticated spy gear.
Whatever the interception does, geographical location, say, write, watch, listen to, the password that is typed on the keyboard, the encryption used disclosed. Via the equipment can namely camera is turned on – like the microphone that can intercept the room. Also, people who communicated with the suspect intercepted.
As the Prime Minister mentions Anders Ygeman Skype when he should justify why secret data reading is required. But at the IP and video calling service is a bad example because the technology to differentiate and eavesdrop just Skype traffic already exists and is used by major powers like the US, China and Russia. In addition, the police get Skype calls in clear text from Skype’s owner company Microsoft.
In an interview with New Technology points out, however, Anders Ygeman that police need a general to listen to the various Internet services, apps and chat channels.
– It is an extremely difficult and painstaking work to try to prevent terrorist attacks. On occasions when security and intelligence services have been successful have involved a mixture of intelligence information and secret eavesdropping. The planning of an attack against the Jyllands-Posten is an example of that, he said.
Secret data reading involves a lot of technical challenges. Should the police manage to spy, they may not be revealed. In what way will they get the hack into the computer? One such example can be to entice the user to open a virus-infected link, perhaps through a false message from a Facebook friend.
Notification The information should be sent via the Internet, but where? How will the police get to hide that is the beneficiary? Via a top company? How should spy equipment is removed? And if the hacking is done when the suspect is abroad – how does the country?
– There are questions for the investigation. There, things which information may be obtained, which are legal limits to apply, how strong suspicion must be, and what techniques they may use raised, says Anders Ygeman.
Should the Security Service and the police Trojans get to buy from companies that infamous Italian Hacking Team, selling spyware to that particular states? – I do not think there is any prior options. I think the first option will be to use the knowledge you have, says Anders Ygeman.
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