Thursday, February 25, 2016

19-year-old robot has appealed a fine of 25 million – Business Week

a Stanford student has programmed a lawyer robot that puts an end to expensive legal fees.

19-year-old Joshua Browder freshman at Stanford University and in the spring launched the completed version of his lawyer robot. It is already using the beta version of the robot and it has so far appealed parking tickets with a value of SEK 25 million, writes Business Insider.

Related: Swedish robot will take over banks’ job

the robot is accessed via a chat on a website and asking the user to collect the necessary data. Based on the information type robot then print a document with a ready-worded appeal. Learning Algorithms allows the robot becomes smarter and better at managing language for each person who uses it. Right now, the robot can only laws that apply in England, but compatability with more jurisdictions are in the pipeline.

And parking fine is only the beginning. In addition to adapting the robot so that it’s able to handle parking tickets according to various city laws, the robot can already handle simple insurance cases and matters related to canceled or delayed flights. Even if the robots that Browder’s just solve relatively simple cases today, they will in time be able to solve everything with complex cases. Currently working Browder to give the robot the ability to make applications for asylum to Syrian refugees, which is a challenge because the robot must understand Arabic, writes Business Insider.

Related: Swedish schools get robot teachers


Monday, February 22, 2016

Better technology can reduce emissions from agriculture – Sveriges Radio

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Swedish Radio

Better technology can reduce emissions from agriculture
Swedish Radio There is a researcher at Chalmers and Sweden technical research Institute, SP, in a new study has concluded that there is great potential in technology improvements as a means to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Different types of more & nbsp; & raquo;


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Finer technology for mammography – Skovde News

Last year was called more than 32 000 women in Skaraborg to mammography. 28 097 chose to proactively participate in the Health Check. The participation was 86, 5 percent, a figure that Mari Sofianou, chief operating officer of Unilabs, describe as good, but of course could be even higher. There are studies indicating that women in immigrant areas not to the same extent, as they are called. But what caused it is difficult to know, it could be for cultural reasons or because they do not know the language.

– We do everything possible for more people to get on mammography, says Mari Sofianou.

– It is our goal that all women between 40 oh 74 years should be given the opportunity for regular mammograms at a close, respectful and professional manner.

Unilab constantly working activities to increase participation.

– We are now planning a campaign to inform newly arrived women who have not yet received a residence permit, says Mari Sofianou.

For women refrain because of fear that such a close relative had breast cancer want Mari Sofianou say that it should not mean that you yourself will suffer.

– A mammography screening does not prevent the occurrence of breast cancer but provides the opportunity for early detection and thus better prognosis. If it is written in my life story that just me to suffer as I have by attending an opportunity to influence the end of the saga, says Mari Sofianou.

It is very rare breast cancer is hereditary. Small changes may be asymptomatic. Mammography can detect early changes that are only a few millimeters in size. Examines addition, their breasts regularly increases safety.

All images taken at the screening reviewed by two independent doctors, so-called double scrutiny. Sometimes doctors any change that requires that it be taken more pictures, made ultrasound or a tissue sample taken from the change. It does not always mean that it is something serious.

– There are many changes that are benign and a doctor must be adamant in diagnosis, says Mari Sofianou.

About 1 500 women die each year from the disease. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and the leading cause of death among women under 50 years.

– Using finer technology found changes earlier. Today, treatment is more specifically targeted and more effective. Ten-year survival rate is over 80 per cent of those affected. 30 years ago meant a cancer diagnosis poorer prognosis. So it is not today, says Mari Sofianou.

Unilabs performs mammograms on behalf of Västra Götaland.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Severe shortage of engineers and architects – Sveriges Radio

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Swedish Radio

Severe shortage of techniques and architects
Swedish Radio One of bottlenecks in Jonkoping, and in many other growing cities, is the lack of experienced techniques , architects, engineers and administrators of municipalities. – We have in places marked by the absence of plan administrators. This means of course that it more & nbsp; & raquo;


Thursday, February 18, 2016

3D technology saves the 90 year old mill – New Technology

After almost 90 years broke the gear on the mill at the research institute Swerea. Thanks to a 3D printer researchers could fabricate a new one.

Workshop hall at Swerea in Kista outside Stockholm is full of metal forming machinery. An old friend is a mill from the 1920s. But when one of the gears broke, it became a problem. How would you get a new one?

– We sat down and brainstormed over lunch and realized that we could use a 3D printer, said Alexander Angré, a researcher at the institute.

Said and done. The broken gear sent to colleagues in Jönköping where since last fall is a 3D printer molds of sand.

The first step was to scan the old gear to get a CAD model. After adding the shrinkage and machining allowances as printed 3D printer prints a mold.

– The printing went on for half an hour, says research engineer Stone Farre.

With the help of the form it went then casting the new gear. The original was made of gray but this time it was a ductile iron.

After the teeth were machined gear were sent to Kista. New Technology was present when it was put in place.

The Mechanic Chris Eggertson hit it in the right position on the shaft with a rubber mallet. So it’s time to test. He presses the start button and everything works just as it should. A piece of aluminum is about three times as long for some laps between rolls.

According to Stone Farre is a rapidly growing interest in the industry to use engångsgjutformar in sand, both for prototypes and for mass production.

– for shorter series is an alternative to expensive tools. Additionally, you can at any time make changes in the mold by changing the CAD model.

Swerea also work with a mission where technology is used to manufacture a replacement part that is no longer possible to get in. This time, it is an engine block of a car from in 1929.

Do you have a great way to use 3D printers? Write to us and tell us!


Friday, February 12, 2016

Tremendous engineering feat “measure gravitational waves – New Technology

Yesterday, the message out across the world: gravity waves were detected. “There is a huge engineering feat and one of the biggest scientific news ever,” says Ulf Danielsson, professor of theoretical physics at Uppsala University.

Two enormous black holes collided 1.3 billion light-years away in the universe. This gave rise to the gravitational waves that last September was intercepted by Ligo (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) in the United States. Yesterday, the feat was announced at a press conference in Washington.

The gravitational waves predicted by Einstein’s general theory of gravity, and is formed when large masses in motion. The scientists at Ligo have been looking for evidence of their existence for 10 years, but until now they have not been able to observe.

The event that generated them was a collision between two massive black holes, each 36 and 29 times heavier than the sun. When they slapped together formed a new black hole, with 62 solar masses. The excess energy in the form of three solar masses sent out in the form of gravitational waves, gravitational radiation, or as it is also called. It was all over in 0.2 seconds.

– When the signal was strongest radiation was 50 times stronger than that of the universe, all the stars together. It was a huge force that shook the rigid spacetime and gave rise to the gravitational waves that are detected, says Ulf Danielsson.

The enormous power despite the wave amplitude is not greater than one-thousandth of the diameter of a proton. That’s because the space-time rigidity makes it difficult to put in motion. Although it could signal detection of both the plants together form Ligo (see box).

– the technical feat of capturing signals is enormous, says Ulf Danielsson.

What impact will the discovery?

– it can lead to a huge revolution in astronomy similar to that which occurred when Galileo Galilei began to use the telescope to study the sky. Through gravitational waves, we can get new information about the universe that can not be obtained any other way.

– In addition, we get a chance to test general relativity in extreme condition, for example, what happens in near black holes collide with each other.

Meanwhile, says Ulf Danielsson to the discovery once for all states that black holes really exist, it has previously only held through indirect observations.

the signal was picked up by LIGO was exactly with that of the general theory of relativity arises when two black holes collide with each other. According to the theory provides such a crash is very simple and clean signals.

– The frequency of the gravitational waves that occur when they rotate around each other increases as they get closer to each other. When they collide, a peak of the signal, a kind of crescendo. Since a signal generated by the new larger hole that vibrate before it comes to rest.

What happens now?

– There are rumors that researchers have more events among their data is very small and difficult to see. It will surely come. A third instrument, VIRGO, is also underway in France. It will go to drive together with the other two in Ligo, and then you get the opportunity to see more precisely where in the sky events.

The researchers’ results are published in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters.

See the researcher Nergis Mavalava at Ligo and MIT explain how measurements of gravitational waves go to via film clip above!

via Youtube you can listen to how it sounds if you translate gravitational waves into sound.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Today we are told: Do gravitational waves detected? – New technique

leaks and rumors are saying the same thing: scientists have detected gravitational waves. A webcast press conference gives notice at 16.15 pm Swedish time.

The expectations of physicists the world are turned up to the max. Today at 16.15 Swedish time held the press conference in Washington that may come to feel that gravitational waves are detected by the Ligo (Laser Interferometer Graviational Wave Observatory). There is something researchers at the facility sought for more than ten years. Ligo was upgraded in September with a sensitive system that is also better able to filter out the noise.

Now, the results of the first 106 days of measurements announced. Leaks and rumors all say the same thing: Ligo have observed gravitational waves

– We do not know until the press conference is held, but they think that they should have played down rumors otherwise, says Ulf Danielsson, professor of theoretical physics at Uppsala University.

gravitational waves or gravitational radiation as it is known, predicted by Einstein’s general theory of gravity and form when large masses in motion. The radiation moves through space as a wave. But so far they have not been detected.

What would it mean if the observed gravitational waves?

– First, it would be the first time that direct able to detect gravitational radiation. It would also mean that you get a way to test general relativity in extreme conditions, ie in the vicinity of black holes collide with each other.

– But above all, this is a completely new way study the universe. One can liken it to when Galileo began to use the telescope in astronomy.

By detecting gravitational waves scientists would be able to study what happens when black holes collide, look further out into the universe and find weaker signals. In addition to the phenomenon can not predict today. And that can completely transform astronomy, says Ulf Danielsson.

According to the rumors, it also signals from the two colliding black holes, each with a mass 30 times that of the sun, which has been detected.

– the theory provides such a crash is very simple and clean signals. The frequency of gravitational waves, which occur when the black holes rotate around each other, increasing as they get closer to each other. When they collide may signal a peak, a kind of crescendo.

– Since there is obviously the possibility to see a signal from when the new larger hole vibrates before it comes to rest. Everything can be predicted by general relativity and gives a very specific signature.

So if you found the signature knows that it’s all about gravity waves?

– Well, then can be sure that it is about just that. But it assumes that the rumors are true, says Ulf Danielsson.

How it is with the things we learn at 16.15 today.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Technology companies are exposed to cyber attacks – New Technology

They are young, hot and successful. But the new technology companies are also increasingly vulnerable to cyber espionage, displays Ny Teknik granskning.- When our patent became public, we saw immediately that there were lots of hacking attempt, says the CEO of a development company.

the new technology has spoken with dozens of technology companies – many of them have previously been on our 33 list, as well as with police officers, information security, digital forensics and representatives of startuper. Several of the companies say that they are subjected to attempts at hacking.

Often begins cyber espionage shortly after the company unveiled an innovation, a patent or research.

– As soon as the company appears on ” radar “, it will be an interesting target for others, says Jonas Persson, digital forensics on iT security Bitsec and former head of the police’s criminal intelligence service in Värmland.

Chris Fåhraeus, founder of Flatfrog, which develops touch-sensitive computer screens, and other start-up companies, also stated that the patent-intensive businesses often suffer. One of his company subjected at one point to what he describes as “a systematic attack”.

– Cyber ​​espionage is a reality. The companies must become more efficient and protect its patents, he said.

The founder of a small materials technology company, who wants to remain anonymous, explains how the company got in trouble with the computers last year.

– The calculations went at half-time, it became more and more wrong. Files disappeared, even from the phones.

The company, which is aiming for the defense market, got help in hacking discovered by a police authority. There would neither confirm nor deny the incident. The company has since seen it as necessary to have a computer that is not connected to the Internet. It has consequences.

– We can not send CAD files to an engineer who wants to work from home and can not do all things that are good with the network, said company representatives.

actual business concept is dependent on the internet, it is not possible to secure operations by shutting down the connection.

Technology company Appland provides a platform for organizations that want to open their own app stores. According to the company’s chief technology officer and co-founder Henrik Lewander is constantly exposed to the intrusion attempt.

– It scans ports and trying to get through the firewall, but no one has managed to get through.

CEO a development in process technology says that nowadays “must be nojig and conspiratorial.”

– systematic industrial espionage is something that increases. I may be horrified sometimes. There are companies in Sweden which is like a cake dish, it’s just for the taking.

The security Jonas Persson at Bitsec says that it may be difficult to notice that someone is spying on one’s computer. One approach is for example on the small pieces of information collected during a few years.

Raoul Stubbe, business coach at STING Kista working with new companies in IT, Internet / Media, Health and climate technology / smart energy solutions, can not give a clear example of cyber espionage occurred in them.

– But are they really skilled, you notice nothing. In one case, got a competitor abroad out with a very similar product, and then we became suspicious, but we have no evidence that there has been a patent theft.

Many of those New Technology talked about the attempted attack against them has chosen not to notify the police incursions. Getting goes to the police certified by the Inspector Anders Ahlqvist, the National IT crime group.

– Many people do not want to talk about what they have been subjected to various reasons. But we would like to see more reporting violations so that we can investigate them.

Tell us! Has your company suffered attempts at hacking or cyber espionage? Send your story to us via

Facts technology companies talk about how they suffered

the CEO of the company with a patent on the new process technology :

“When our patent became public, we were right amounts of intrusion attempts. By tracking the IP addresses of those who tried to sniff out we could see that they came from including dozens of international big business. We also discovered that different research institutions from different parts of the world lay ‘sniffed’.

If someone managed to get into the IT systems know we are not sure. But in that case, they have only come across emails and maybe a little market because the sensitive information is only in our internal network.

If it is stolen had someone with large financial and human resources able to quickly understand what and how we are doing and then take the resulting patents and thus deprived us on the next stage of development. “

Founder of a small materials companies:

“we had been running for two years and applied for a patent when we suddenly discovered that the computers behaved strangely. Calculations went on half time, it became more and more wrong. Files disappeared – even on mobile phones.

Since we are aiming for the defense market, we have been helped, and one could say that we had extensive intrusion, and I was told that I was super naive.

Luckily, we had really no crucial information on the computers, but the first thing we did was to have a computer that is completely isolated from the network for sensitive information.

Now we have introduced and are introducing a number safety systems and rules for encryption, physical protection and security of employees. There will be a lot of extra costs and extra work. “

Patrik Lindergren, president of ChargeStorm, which makes smart charger for electric vehicles:

” We see that people are trying to carry out attacks all the time, but none have succeeded. This involves both the login attempts via ports in the firewall but also about ‘brute force programs’ who try to use different passwords to get in.Vi looks as clean login attempts against remote nodes, ie attacks against IP numbers that go to our charging stations . Because they are connected to our central network, trying to get into the road.We tend to track the IP address behind the attacker; many calls are coming from abroad, such as South Africa, and notify the intrusion attempt to the ISP. Nowadays you have to think about cyber security in everything to implement digitally. “

Facts Sapo works with reverse targeting

security Service has a database of 500 of the most important activities of national security protecting. Among other things, using the method of “reverse targeting”.

We know what intelligence officers is, which countries are spying against Sweden, but it is often difficult to access them. However, if we ask ourselves where the most critical information is available along with the company’s safety and management’s good memory, then we can see the attack coming, said Anders Thornberg of business representatives last year on the Nasdaq seminar.

But small technology companies are likely to have difficulty rangeb there.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

“We capture young people’s interest in technology” – New Technology

     Johan Bengtsson, Stora automation rate and 80 000 for their commitment to interest young people in technology and industry. Photo: Fredrik Karlsson

To attract young people to work with automation is a challenge for the industry. And something that Johan Bengtsson passionate. Now he is praised for his commitment.

Instruments Technical Association awards an annual Major automation price. The last three years have gone to the automation managers at a mine, a mill and an oil refinery. This year winning the engineer that does not work out in the industry – and not really just with automation.

I work, among other things, to increase young people’s interest in technology for more people to choose technical education. It is for the few who do it today and the skills issue is a key issue for Swedish industry, says Johan Bengtsson, who normally is a technology development manager at Gothenburg Technical College. He also pulled off of Opportunity World began as an exhibition during Scanautomatic fair in Gothenburg in 2012. In the center, there existed an automated factory, built by students, which produces toy cars.

– The rumor spread, and the project has grown as more becomes interested, he said.

Opportunity World has toured the country and been in Gothenburg, Karlstad, Borås, Karlshamn, Skövde and Malmo. More than 20 000 high school adolescents have got to try the technique in various workshops during the past three years.

– We know that we manage to capture students’ interest in technology. It is difficult to measure what determines their choice then but we think it has a positive effect to show possible technology jobs for them, says Johan Bengtsson.

The next step is the project Smart factories, a kind of further development of Opportunity World. The aim is to disseminate new concepts and technologies in the industry. The exhibition will be held at the Swedish Exhibition Centre in Gothenburg in connection with Underhållsmässan and Scanautomatic and process technology.

– The price will be as a confirmation for all the work I put down and I’m really grateful, he says.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Here is the future of technology in the home – Skovde News

Marianne Olsson is one of ten people who are part of a pilot project. Her home has been equipped with sensors that detect her everyday activities and collecting data about this.

The idea is that the system should be able to detect any abnormalities that may indicate disease.

Marianne carries a sensor that can register the walking speed when she is at home. Sensors are also deployed to notice when she opens a certain dressers, when she opens the fridge when she sits down on a chair in the kitchen, when she goes to the bathroom and when she lies down in his bed.


If a person goes to the toilet more often than usual, for example, indicate high blood sugar, as a person with insufficiently medicated diabetes get.

If you are less active than usual, it may signal heart problems or depression.

Marianne and the other test subjects belong not really the intended audience for the system, but is younger and healthier.

– We have selected healthy volunteers for not exposing sick for stress. We can not currently guarantee how it works, says Carina Berg, project manager and occupational therapist in Skövde.

The data collected about how she moves and what she does in her private home does not bother Marianne Olsson.

– Could it lead to something good in the future, then it is okay. It is not so mysterious. What would someone have the joy of these tasks? said Marianne Olsson.

Carina Berg celebrates his subjects very enthusiastic and patient. Indeed, it has been needed some patience.

– There has been a lot of technical problems, says Carina Berg.

Large projects

Try Operations in Skovde is part of an EU project called Helicopter, as nine organizations in five countries collaborate on. The sensors have been developed in Italy and a PhD from the University of Parma was the home of Marianne and installed all the technical equipment in the home for a long afternoon.

The data the system collects is sent to researchers in Romania for analysis. In Dutch Eindhoven in progress as well as in Skovde an attempt to test the equipment in the home.

In Italy, the sensors only been tested in the lab before, and when they are used in home environments discovered new problems. Marianne and the other subjects also have an e-book reader which through a special app to be able to receive messages from the system, such as they have been in bed very unusual in recent days. This is not yet, but is being developed.

The idea is that the test subjects should have a scale, a blood pressure monitor and a blood glucose meter in the home, the system will be able to collect data from. But even with this, there have been technical problems, which meant that it does not work yet.


Cooperation in the EU project has not gone entirely smoothly, and cultural differences has revealed himself, according to Carina Berg.

– We in Sweden and the Netherlands are relatively similar. We are open to what we have to worry. Not so in Italy and Romania, says Carina Berg.

The project started in 2013 and will be completed by summer. According to Carina Berg, it is unclear who might be buyers of the advanced system.

The idea is that the technology could be used to boost security for the elderly living at home.

– It can prevent so that I do not need to get there, so that the elderly of their independence, says Carina Berg, who is the only occupational therapist involved in the project.

Jönköping Business School and the University of Skövde is and Skövde partner in the project.


Spyware can be allowed to stop the terrorist acts – New Technology

     How the monitoring, a larger version on the right. Video: Jonas Askergren

After the terrorist attacks in Paris, the government wants to give the Security Service and the police the right to use “secret data readings”. But how far the politicians want to join in the fight against terrorism is still unclear.

Ever since the attack on the French satire signatories to the magazine Charlie Hebdo and police officers in January 2015, Interior Minister Anders Ygeman stood in the spotlight and answered questions about how similar painful events to be averted at home.

– We must cope mind the idea that a terrorist attack could happen in Sweden. You can not protect against everything – but we do everything we can to protect ourselves, ‘he said afterwards.

But still the Government believes that more is needed. In August, the minister proposed a series of new anti-terror measures.

Given the hyper-rapid development of new encrypted services like Anders Ygeman including letting investigate a proposal in 2005 to allow the police to obtain the right to place spyware computers, mobiles and tablets – so-called secret data reading.

the police would then have the opportunity to not only take part of the communication in plain language by listening to the units sound card – but also ensure all other information available on computer / cell phone / plate.

Even today, the police may eavesdrop on electronic information after the court decision, and computers and mobiles will be examined during the search.

the proposal for secret data reading from 2005 was rejected because it was contrary to the European Convention on human rights and the protection of privacy.

on november 13, 2015 crippled the French capital than once by gunfire from men in black masks. The terrorist group Islamic State put out 130 lives and injured over 350 people. It is the worst terrorist atrocity in Europe since World War II.

After that, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven issue of secret data reading to her:

– We can not have the regime that they (criminals; editor’s note) says that now we go over to Skype when SAPO listens to them.

in December, the government and the alliance parties agreed on 13 points in the fight against terrorism. Inter alia secret data reading but also “alternative methods” to be investigated.

The agreement states that: “In the investigation, the benefits of secret data reading weighed against alternative methods to justify the need.”

It can be interpreted as even less privacy-sensitive measures should be considered. But “alternative methods” could just as easily be even more far-reaching measures.

According to the agreement alliance parties have the opportunity to influence the wording of the directives. Moderate advocates, for example, that the police should have the right to order the signals by the FRA, the National Defence Radio Establishment, on the investigations into the crimes. It makes neither the FBI or the police do today. The use of intelligence as evidence in court would have safeguarded the legal principles of transparency how the data was collected.

Should the proposal be considered, there must also probably brought clarity of FRA today hacking into computers. According to Anders Mr Power, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Siun, State Inspection for defense intelligence, the FRA today do not engage in this activity (active signals) in Sweden.

Much of how the upcoming data reading to be designed is therefore unclear.

– a lot has happened in technology since 2005, which may have made the old proposal obsolete, says Deputy Director Eva Bloch in the Justice Department, which has the mission to develop the terms of reference. They should be ready in March.

– Both the legal and technical design of the secret data reading as a method in the fight against crime must now be analyzed carefully by investigators, she said.

A lot of countries use State Trojans, which often consists of a large variety of sophisticated spy gear.

Whatever the interception does, geographical location, say, write, watch, listen to, the password that is typed on the keyboard, the encryption used disclosed. Via the equipment can namely camera is turned on – like the microphone that can intercept the room. Also, people who communicated with the suspect intercepted.

As the Prime Minister mentions Anders Ygeman Skype when he should justify why secret data reading is required. But at the IP and video calling service is a bad example because the technology to differentiate and eavesdrop just Skype traffic already exists and is used by major powers like the US, China and Russia. In addition, the police get Skype calls in clear text from Skype’s owner company Microsoft.

In an interview with New Technology points out, however, Anders Ygeman that police need a general to listen to the various Internet services, apps and chat channels.

– It is an extremely difficult and painstaking work to try to prevent terrorist attacks. On occasions when security and intelligence services have been successful have involved a mixture of intelligence information and secret eavesdropping. The planning of an attack against the Jyllands-Posten is an example of that, he said.

Secret data reading involves a lot of technical challenges. Should the police manage to spy, they may not be revealed. In what way will they get the hack into the computer? One such example can be to entice the user to open a virus-infected link, perhaps through a false message from a Facebook friend.

Notification The information should be sent via the Internet, but where? How will the police get to hide that is the beneficiary? Via a top company? How should spy equipment is removed? And if the hacking is done when the suspect is abroad – how does the country?

– There are questions for the investigation. There, things which information may be obtained, which are legal limits to apply, how strong suspicion must be, and what techniques they may use raised, says Anders Ygeman.

Should the Security Service and the police Trojans get to buy from companies that infamous Italian Hacking Team, selling spyware to that particular states?

– I do not think there is any prior options. I think the first option will be to use the knowledge you have, says Anders Ygeman.

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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Cheaper green energy provides more microgrids – New Technology

     The image shows wind turbines that are part of a microgrid at Kodiak Island off Alaska. As energy stocks and to stabilize the network, two flywheels from ABB. Photo: ABB

Small local grid – microgrid – is a growing trend around the world. Thanks to cheaper batteries and solar cells connect more businesses and communities away from the grid.

In Alaska, microgrids nothing new. There are already about 200 of them in remote and sparsely populated communities.

In South Africa begins to expand rapidly. On the ABB factory in Johannesburg are working around 1 000 people. Here are built including power converters and switchgear. Without electricity stops operations – and blackouts are living in elkrisens South Africa. Therefore, there are four diesel generators which could be mobilized.

But now the factory become more eloberoende. The large roof is reinforced to support a photovoltaic plant of 750 kW. The solar cells must interact with a battery of 380 kWh. Along with the diesel generators and a smart control system, they form a power system can be disconnected from the grid, and form a so-called microgrids.

– We do this installation to get secure access to electricity, but also of economic reasons. Electricity prices have gone up sharply in recent years, says Stuart Michie, Head of the microgrid at ABB in Johannesburg when new technology visit the factory.

He expects that the investment will pay back in 10-12 years. If the facility would provide surplus is the opportunity to enter the electricity grid. It will also be presented to other companies in southern Africa who want to produce their own electricity using solar or wind.

– There is a strong interest, including from mines that are currently dependent on diesel generators says Stuart Michie.

microgrid has been around a long time. On islands and in sparsely populated areas, villages and enterprises had local electricity grid fed by such as diesel generators. Although the backup power is at such hospitals form a kind of microgrids as they snatch up during power cuts.

But with the collapse of solar cells and battery technology that have a greater impact. Market research firm Transparency recently published a report which predicts that the market for microgrids will increase from about 80 billion in 2013 to 300 billion in 2020.

– It’s a trend that more people want to be more independent of the mains. They discover that it is also economically profitable to invest in a microgrid with renewable electricity, said Massimo Danieli, head of ABB’s global business unit Grid Automation.

He adds that there are other motivations. Many want to reduce diesel consumption for environmental reasons. Moreover, it is both expensive and difficult to transport diesel fuel to remote locations.

microgrids with renewable electricity is also a way to electrify the areas not reached by the electricity grid. According to the IEA’s 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity, of which almost half in Africa.

In a country like the United States, reliability is an important factor. After Hurricane Sandy, which made eight million Americans without power in 2012, has been the US Department of Energy launched an application to modernize the electricity grid. There are several projects with microgrids, which will include making communities and critical infrastructure better equipped against extreme weather and natural disasters.

New York State, which was hit hard by the storm, has allocated the equivalent of half a billion kronor to a competition to build local microgrids.

In a first step, 83 communities received a planning grant. Later this year, the ten most promising projects receive additional funds to go ahead with their plans.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Should stop Zika with hot and sterile mosquitoes – Aftonbladet

Zikaviruset spread exponentially in South America and the Caribbean.

Now, a Swedish help sterilize Brazilian hanmygg.

– You want to get them horny and alert so that the mosquitoes think they mate, but the eggs are added is not fertilized, says insect expert Jan Lundström, combating leader of mosquito fight at the river Dalälven.

the spread of zikaviruset and the serious complications that scientists believe is linked to the disease have been made to the wHO declared the situation of an international emergency.

In Brazil, thousands of children born with microcephaly, which can lead to, among other things, paralysis and visual impairments.

in late February, a number of experts meeting in the South American country to draw up a plan of action to combat the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which spreads zikaviruset. Participants include the Swedish mosquito expert Jan Lundström. He explains the plan that you have for mosquitoes.

– They are difficult to control because they are small and need very little water for their larvae. Moreover, they have developed resistance to both the old DDT and other toxins. What remains is then to sterilize the males, says Jan Lundström.

Flugmetod against mosquitoes

To sterilize the mosquitoes are not something that can be done with tongs and tweezers. Instead, it uses a technology from Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA.

– It is a technique that comes from them and their operations with the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Nowadays we have gone over to X-rays with which to destroy the germ cells of mosquitoes. It is an extremely environmentally friendly method and very effective to crack a population, says Jan Lundström.

This method has previously been used with great effect against several types of flies, including fruit flies, Jan Lundstrom.

– the males are placed, preferably hot and alert so that the mosquitoes think they mate, but the eggs that are added are not fertilized.

this method is called in short Sterile Insect technique (SIT).

“Cheaper than a moon mission”

the meeting in late February is a strategy meeting, but Jan Lundström believes that the method will be successful as long as you put in enough resources.

– this stick mosquito has a rapid generation time so a month, they can basically disappear from the area where you put it out here. It’s all about resources, I want to say emphatically. And it involves far less money than putting a man on the moon, says Jan Lundström.

If you get the method to work as intended believe Jan Lundström that there may be a paradigm shift for how to combat mosquitoes.

– So it feels very exciting to be part of this.

Jan Lundström is fighting the leader of the fight against mosquitoes at the river Dalälven. He goes to Brazil on February 20 for a week long conference.

In addition to Brazil, including Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Indonesia requested access to the IAEA technology, reports Reuters news agency.


Nevs Chinese electric vehicle may not be called Saab – New Technology

     Nevs model 9-3 prototype electric car is still under the name Saab. Photo: Nevs

Nevs, manufacturers of former 9-3, may not use either the name or the Saab logo on their future cars.

Nevs have received several missions from the Chinese partners and clients on electric vehicles, where companies Panda New Energy and Volinco has ordered 150,000 respectively 20,000 electric cars based on the former Saab 9-3 model.

On Nevs website also displays images on a powered prototype model 9-3 with emblem where the car’s Saab.

But Saab AB, which has title to the name of Saab and company logo with a grip in red against blue background tells Automotive News that Chinese-owned company Nevs not the right to use either the name or the logo of the coming cars.

When Nevs to start delivering their cars should also have decided which brand you intend to use said a spokesperson for the company to Automotive News.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Now being built Sweden’s first elväg – New Technology

     Siemens and Scania is working to develop systems for elvägar. The picture is taken at the test facility in Germany. Photo: Dietmar Gust

The country’s first elväg with overhead lines has begun to be built outside of Sandviken. It will go into service in May.

One lane is muted on the road E16 eastbound between Kungsgården and Sandviken. Construction progress. It is Sweden’s – perhaps the world’s first – elväg on public roads that are being built.

According to the plan, two kilometers down the road equipped with air lines for the first time to test elvägar for heavy trucks.

Right now is the foundation for catenary poles in place and a facility for monitoring. Then rails are fitted together with contact line and overhead contact lines.

The entire test facility will be ready for use in May in 2016.

It is with the help of the pantographs on the trucks ceilings vehicles automatically switched to electric drive. When trucks leave air lines, they run on battery power about one kilometer until the diesel engine starts.

Region Gavleborg, Scania and Siemens, which together will evaluate this elvägen for heavy trucks. The Swedish Transport Administration’s road manager for E16, and monitors the test facility is constructed.

Siemens has previously evaluated the technology on a test facility in Germany. But in May, it should therefore be time to show that it can be used in the traffic environment.

Demonstration stretch in California has been delayed and thus the stretch of the E16 chance to become the first elvägen in the world on public roads.

The test stretch of the E16 is part of a national elvägsprojekt, where the Swedish Transport Administration, VINNOVA and the Swedish Energy Agency procures knowledge for elvägar for heavy vehicles.

The new technology has previously reported on elvägsprojektet outside Gävle.


Monday, February 1, 2016

New method hear the speaker sound on the station – New Technology

     The train rushes past the platform just as trafikutropet in speakers – half the message disappeared in alarm. Photo: Fraunhofer IDMT / Daniel Schmidt

Loudspeaker announcements at railway stations and airports are drowning often including sound, to travelers’ chagrin. A new method makes exclamations clearer.

An all too common situation: the speaker voice tells about change in departure time, but the important details are lost in the sound noise in the station premises.

Now, language researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT developed a software program that improves the audibility of the loudspeaker announcements. A technology that can improve the sound in mobile phones when calls are implemented in noisy environments.

The technology behind software Adapt Drc, as it is called, consists of over a microphone constantly analyzing the ambient noise and adjust the speaker message to ambient sound in real time .

– It is enough then not to raise the volume on the speaker system to drown out ambient sound, explains Jan Renneis-Hochmuth.

Such solutions sometimes use the car radio manufacturers, but the result is usually that the speakers are pressed to max, which does not improve audibility.

The researchers instead analyzed the spoken language for frequencies, noting that the vowels often have low frequencies and pronounced a long time, while the consonants p, t and k is short sound images with high frequencies.

The consonants are the hardest to hear in noisy environments, but they are important for language comprehension. The algorithm used in the program enhances the sound that risk drowning in omgivningssorlet at any particular time.

The program also analyzes what is called the language dynamics, the strong and weak parts of the spoken language. Stronger parts may need to be tempered, weaker highlighted to be heard in a noisy environment.

The program is ready for commercialization. For mobile phones and conference facilities already have microphones, no additional equipment beyond the program. For railway stations and airports have microphones mounted in order to take up ambient sound for analysis in a hall.
