Friday, May 30, 2014

Pneumatic tube systems – technology with a long history – New Technology

The first rörpostlinjen opened in London in 1853.

The technique spread to cities such as Paris, Vienna and New York, mainly for sending mail.

At each grid in Paris by 467 kilometers of pipe. The system was in use in more than 100 years until 1984. Truffautfilmen In Stolen kisses of 1968, one can follow a letter sent through “Poste pneumatique.”

In Prague pneumatic mail was used until 2002 when it was destroyed of flooding.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Technology Lessons sawed off Schools Inspectorate – New Technology

     The school fails to increase student interest in technology shows National Supervisory Authority’s review of the subject technology in elementary school. Photo: TT

The teaching of technique is criticized by the Schools Inspectorate. Engineering interest decreases drastically, especially among girls. Every teacher is not competent.

Schools Inspectorate has for the first time examined the teaching of technology in elementary school. The 30-page report confirms the picture of a subject that is set aside. At the 22 schools Schools Inspectorate visited lacks half of the technology teachers eligibility. Although technology is a separate subject often lack both on schedule and within school timetables.

One of the goals of the subject technology is to increase students’ interest in technology, but rather to increase as decreasing interest? – Most especially among girls. In fifth grade answer 88 percent of boys and 86 percent of girls said that they think that the subject technology is interesting. In ninth grade corresponding figures are 70 and 37 percent respectively.

– It is the most serious outcome, said Christian Magnusson, who led the review of the Schools Inspectorate.

The report shows that the technique many times becomes a “craft activity with weak theoretical basis.” Students testify for simple and overly controlled construction data they do not understand the purpose of.

– Students do not understand what they are learning. Many teachers are also uncomfortable with the teaching technique, and it is also certified teachers, said Christian Magnusson.

Also missing instructional materials and equipment, especially in the upper grades. Despite requests from students so used, for example, computers in education.

The number of teaching hours varies greatly. Although the curriculum is based on approximately 200 hours Technology in elementary school so had a school only dedicating 75.

– On so few hours, it is not reasonable to keep up with the curriculum, said Christian Magnusson.

The teaching is also too low. There are examples of schools where teaching at the high school is on the middle level.

This raises questions about the grading. Although many schools do not follow the syllabus to get almost all the students passing grades.

– Grading has not been included in our review, but this is a contradiction that there is reason to look upon the said Christian Magnusson.

He emphasizes that, despite everything, are bright spots.

– There are many enthusiasts who do a fantastic job. The schools we visited have also received a boost, said Christian Magnusson.

The audited schools must now report to the Schools Inspectorate how they will improve engineering education.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hat: Best way to develop the Internet – New Technology

     IT Minister Anna-Karin Hatt opening speech at nätfrihetskonferensen Stockholm Internet Forum. Photo: Monica Kleja

– This past year, we have learned far more about surveillance and on how states act. Should it be accepted, there must be transparent rules, balancing the needs and balance.
It said IT minister Anna-Karin Hatt this morning when she opened nätfrihetskonferensen Stockholm Internet Forum.

Anna-Karin Hatt was in his keynote address on Tuesday morning clear about where Sweden is in many of the major internet issues on the international agenda this year.

With a clear address to a small group of countries wishing that the UN and its member states to take over the governance of the Internet, she said:

– In recent years we have seen countries that confuses the issue of monitoring the issue of the Internet’s governance. But let me be very, very clear – it is about two different things, which should not be mixed up.

– The only way is, in our belief, to develop the governance model with many different players involved. It is our strong belief that it is the best way to develop the internet.

– I am convinced that the option that states are taking over is much worse. Meanwhile, “the multi-stakeholder model” also become much better and needs improvement.

Anna-Karin Hatt also praised Brazil for having recently arranged nätkonferensen Net Mundial.

Some 450 participants from 90 different countries are in place at Munich brewery in Stockholm to attend the conference is going on days 27 to 28 May, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sida and the foundation. SE.

The issue also came up why whistle-blower Edward Snowden and nätaktivisten and journalist Jacob Applebaum not been invited to the conference of the Foreign Ministry, which raises debate and questions at the conference. “There are 450 students here from all over the world, I do not think the two white men for, had made much of a difference,” said including a female participant.

While IT minister ducked the issue, said a representatives of the Foreign Office that it wanted to broaden the conference and invite participants from many different parts of the world and that they wanted to avoid “visselblåsardebatten.”

Eileen Donahoe, from the American human rights organization Human Rights Watch, said in the first panel discussion that the U.S. undermines citizens’ digital rights with reference to the NSA surveillance.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Julia and Sanna’s super-smart vacuum cleaning robot – New Technology

     Julia Magner, 7, and True Kellheim, 8, from Eneby School had made a robotic vacuum cleaner on technology the camp. Photo: Niklas Svahn

interest in technology found in large and small. It turned out during the Technology Days in Stockholm where children and young people were trying to build their own robots, create future cities and make the politicians against the wall.

 Diskostolpens inventor, Oskar Sterner:

     Diskostolpens inventor, Oskar Sterner: “Like a disco ball though still on the ground.”

In Technology Days last week in the Royal Garden, came children and youth classes to try out different technology activities. The gifts included making their own robot, create a future city and question politicians on technology issues.

– It was around 2500 young people and children here, says Lotta Ljungqvist of Sweden Engineers and Project Manager for the Technology Days.

In technology the camp in one of the tents pitched, low old technology scrap scattered on the tables. Everything from old clocks and circuit boards for home appliances and keyboard were using to build his own invention.

7-year-old Julia Magner and 8-year-old Sanna Kellheim from Eneby School in Danderyd had built a robotic vacuum cleaner. It was produced by a household appliance, two plastic tubes and shell to a router – all assembled with glue.

– It may vacuum by itself . It has been fun to build it, said Julia Magner.

Technology Days are being made to involve children from a young age in the subject technology. Patrik Ahlqvist, leisure and technology teacher at Eneby school think it is important that children receive a certain amount of technology instruction. He teaches the youngest students everything from managing a hammer to how leverage works.

– It’s great that the kids get to see what inventions available and how they work, says Patrik Ahlqvist.

Competence is one of Engineers’ main issues in the future – young people and teachers must inspired. Lotta Ljungqvist think she notices that many young people like technology. But it is about to keep the interest alive.

– It is important to show that technology is fun and that technology education is something schools do not prioritize very much, she says.

On Eneby school has students in grades two ten hour technique classes per semester. Lotta Ljungqvist believes that teachers may be afraid of technology, because it is too abstract. But at the Technology Days were technology specific.

– You can tell the kids they love it, says Lotta Ljungqvist.

Six ways to get energy from roads – New Technology

     In VTI’s report shows how it might look with solar roadways, built-in solar cells, in the way. Photo: From the report “Energy recovery from roads and road environments – a systematic review”

Photovoltaics in the noise barriers or minimal wind turbines along the roadside? VTI pointing out techniques that can extract energy in the road environment.

VTI, the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute , has identified various ways to produce energy out and along our roads. The researchers note that the road environment takes up large areas that are already overexploited. If you want to increase the production of renewable energy, it might be smart to take advantage of these surfaces instead of encroaching on natural areas or other interests. While it may be a way to reduce traffic on the climate.

researchers go through a variety of possible technologies in the report.

Here are six ways that they deem can be relevant to today’s conditions:

Photovoltaics, for example, noise is tested and available in use in Europe and Australia. A plus is that the cost of solar cells decreases.

Photovoltaics in the road surface has been tested in pilot projects. It could also work in Sweden, under certain conditions. For example, the secondary areas with little wear.

Geothermal Energy can be used in particular to combat slipping on steep slopes and to warm up the walkways. It is also possible to use the energy from the buildings nearby.

Piezoelectric generators built into the asphalt converts the weight of the front rolling cars to electricity. Tests have been done in Israel, but in Sweden would frost could cause problems. The technology is complex, and requires more research and practical experiments, the researchers believe.

Small wind turbines along the roads can become a reality if the technology is safe enough. There must be no risk of ice throw, pieces of ice detached from the rotor and thrown out.

Bioenergy can be extracted from it growing along the way. Man beats anyway roadside to improve visibility. It hit conditioned hay or underbrush can become thermal energy through combustion or biogas through anaerobic digestion.

How big are the road surfaces then? Sweden’s state roads is 98000 km and municipal roads and streets is 41 600 kilometers, according to the report. Moreover, there are many kilometers of private roads.

Monday, May 19, 2014

No to the bike path between Aby and Händelö – Norrköping Newspapers

A new main street with branching out into the new indutriområdena on Malmölandet be built, as well as a new main rail yard and a new rail line, known as Kardon Line. Binder is made for a solution can already be costly for taxpayers.

NT has previously reported on the Citizens proposal from a person in Aby, who argues that one must be able to get to work on Malmölandet or Händelö without using the car. Today it is impossible, then you have to share space with the heavy traffic that thunders along Braviken Road.

Proposal to say no to the pedestrian and cycle path has already been up in committee once but then got technical Office reversing. The matter was referred for further investigation, both in terms of the need for it and the alternative routes.

The investigation is now complete and the results for the mover will be the same. Citizens proposal rejected.

But this hope is far from out of it to become a pedestrian and bicycle path that connects Aby with Malmölandet, Händelö and on to the town. Benefit both Åbyborna and Norrköping residents. Technical office just mean that you have to wait a number of years, how long can you not specify.

In connection with the investment in a new railway and main road on Malmölandet and a new railway bridge over the Händelö can indeed fit in to build pedestrian and bicycle paths parallel to the road and railway. It would then be much more extensive and have ramifications for the planned activities in the area. The cost of pedestrian and cycle paths then becomes a part of the entire infrastructure project.

The build started as early as 2016, but how long it will be before all is done, can not predict today. There are many indications that the earliest will be some years in the 2020s

If you already build bike path along the existing Braviken Road, as the mover suggests, it would later emerge as a clear wrong investment, says the technical office. Moreover, it is pointed out that Braviken road in the future will be a much calmer way than it is today, when all the heavy traffic instead will use the new roads area. The need for a bike path is certainly big today with the intense traffic that exists, as many have testified and technical office agrees. But 2025 makes estimates that only 400 vehicles will pass Braviken road per day.

Saab reveals new radar products – New Technology

Saab today announces new military radar reconnaissance from land and sea. For the first time, the emphasis is also on selling long-range radar for ground-based vehicles.

 Saab reveals new radar products

     A wide radar program: Giraffe 1x, Arthur, Giraffe AMB, Giraffe Giraffe 4A and 8A. Photo: SAAB

Saab reveals new radarprodukter

     The radar Giraffe 4A. Photo: Saab

Aesa stands for active electronically controlled antenna. Digital technology will be included in among the next generation Gripen E’s reconnaissance sensors. Gripen Aesa radar “Raven” is produced by Italian Selex and consists of a customized variant, which should be placed in the Swedish fighter aircraft’s nose cone.

Today tells the Swedish defense group Saab that together with Chalmers developed radar technology so that it also becomes possible to use the radar sensors on both the vehicles on land and on ships at sea. Five new products, including sjöversionerna, presented today, which all use Aesa.

Meanwhile, it is also for the first time into the market with a radar intended to scout very far from the ground. It can be mounted on moving vehicles, for example trucks. Previously, Saab specializes in radar systems for short and medium distances.

New Giraffe 8A has an antenna that is two meters wide and four feet high and can see targets that are available on nearly 400-500 kilometers. This is according to Anders Linder, director of Ytradarsystem at Saab in Gothenburg.

– 8th grade will take us into the named long search radar and an area where never a Swedish company been before in terms of reconnaissance of the ground. We could not afford to develop dual products but now we can, thanks to that we will use the same platform for two different products, he says.

Another novelty is the Giraffe 4A and Sea Giraffe 4A. This radar is half as large as the sister 8A and can detect enemy of about 280 kilometers.

– New with 4A is also it can spin and scout but find it somewhat interesting, it can also stop and stare and see more details, says Anders Linder.

Company also launching Giraffe 1X and 1X Sea Giraffe, a sensor that can see threats or targets at 75 kilometers.

Saab also reveals that modernized its previous reconnaissance systems Arthur and Giraffe AMB. They are said to have got longer ranges and greater coverage than before.

– We’ve secretly in a number of years developing a new generation of radar systems. It is something that Saab made on their own money invested, says Anders Linder.

Can you say how much you have invested?

– No, I can not say the amount. But it’s probably one of Saab’s internal efforts so far.

Other competitors have sold radar systems with Aesateknik for a long time. But according to Anders Linder, Saab has deliberately waited for the technology to be mature enough and that it should be possible to compress properly.

Do you already have customers on the new systems?

– 4A We have contracts for, it will be delivered in 2016. But the client is confidential. We are tightly bound by the customer and can not say, says Anders Linder

8A and 1X describe being fully developed and close to series production.

Chalmers researchers at the Departments of microwave technology and for signals and systems involved. The Swedish Armed Forces stated to have participated in the development.

C4 Technology: One can move safely – Kristianstadsbladet

Text: Kaj Nilsson
Published May 19, 2014 10:00 Updated May 19, 2014 10:00
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The municipality knows you do not recognize themselves in the West Boulevard would be dangerous for pedestrians or wheelchair users and the traffic police think that it is a municipal issue.

head of traffic police in northeast Skåne, Per-Erik Eriksson, do not see the parking as a problem.

– Parking areas are not out in the roadway, but is recessed into the sidewalk and then does not apply to the distance of ten meters. That is how I interpret it, says Per-Erik Eriksson.

He does not think it is a matter for the traffic police, but refers it to the Municipality of Kristianstad.

unit manager at C4 technology, Johan Gomér, thinks that Western Boulevard is safe for all road users.

– It is built by the standard include to bring down the speed. The impression one can get is that it is narrow, but it makes you slow down. Trucks can be met without problems.

Local regulations

He says that the municipality has not made any deviation from the existing legislation. If a parking lot P-placarded, as at West Boulevard, the Highway Code breach of local traffic regulations.

– Pedestrians arrive where they can see and be seen. I have not heard that there would be a particular problem for the disabled. We brought in specialists in the design.

Some changes of the boulevard will C4 technology to make going forward.

– A pair of intersections to be adjusted a little bit to improve visibility. We will move some parking and changing exits for cars.

Is Western Boulevard road?

– I would say that one can move safely in this environment .

Sunday, May 18, 2014

New technology is the future – Kristianstadsbladet


Success continues, medals fall inside. Still want Hässleholmsvägen Bowling lift to the next level – using the technology of the future, and three full-time instructors.

Two years ago, said Recreation Committee the agreement with Turban Hall’s tenant. The municipality became competition law groundbreaking.

– We got a tougher reality without subsidization, said hall director Michael Wegner. But the clubs were loyal and took an increased cost for their business.

Wegner never got to know any great concern. Bowling tradition is strong in Hässleholmsvägen and today counts the different clubs in 300 active with competition license. From a regional perspective, it is only Malmö showing greater activity.

– But there have also been hundreds of courses, says Wegner. Club activities in Hässleholmsvägen In other words, really good. Until 2010, we had not won any medals, either at SM, NM, PM or VM. But in just a few years, they have fallen into.

Cognizant bet

Wegner’s own daughters, Daisy and Jenny , has reached the podium at the European Championships for juniors, like Emil Nilsson.

– What we can see is the result of a strong commitment from all clubs, and a conscious effort to develop our talents.

Michael Wegner remember when bowling was called “gubbasport”. He was also involved when young people became more and more. Today, he sees new challenges.

– Many sports have a hard time with the new recruitment, and we are no exception. But I hope we can continue to grow, along with the successes and that we always want to be even better.

why now begin the next phase with new technology coming in, not least for To facilitate instructors’ work.

– We work with quite large groups and it is difficult to be everywhere, all the time. Instead what we do is to invest in a computer equipment that is certainly the future of bowling.

Correct details

Michael Wegner says that a camera is mounted adjacent to each lane, and just seconds after the last stroke you can look at the implementation.

– We instructing find various details which should be corrected. Subsequently, the active self see how the game looks, and continue working with the corrections. That way we have time to develop significantly more young people, while everyone can add your own workout without always having a trainer at his side.


– 15 000 SEK per lane, approximately. But I hope we’ll get some bracing from the bowling association.

Says Michael Wegner, who also can tell if even stronger skills in coaching page. Wegner himself and Peter Johansson amplified in summer with Pelle Montén, previously responsible for the bowl mixture elite investment in Narke.

– We have three coaches with step three license, and it makes us very well equipped to accommodate more youngsters. Now we will work further, become even more active in schools.

“Gubbasportens” time is in other words by?

– You can still play bowling, and do it really well, regardless of age. But nowadays it’s hard to belong to the elite at the 50th the more skillful players are aged 18 to 30 years.

Michael Wegner continues:

– We talk so much about new technology, oil profile, rotation and movement. It requires serious training at least 15-20 hours a week to cope with the toughest competition.

Armed robbery against clothing store in Lidköping – Aftonbladet

A masked man robbed today a clothes shop in Lidköping.

The man was armed with a pistol similar objects

– At present it is unclear whether He came away with something, says Peter Adlersson on police in Västra Götaland.

Police were alerted to 13.00 to Framnäs mall in Lidköping. By then, the gunman left the store on foot.

– He was masked and had a black hooded sweatshirt and threatened staff with a gun-like object, says Peter Adlersson on police länskommunikationscentral.

Police have Current techniques and investigative staff on site. It robbed the clothing store is cordoned off.

– There are some witnesses. The suspected offender must have run against Dream town after the robbery.

“Searching with dog”

No one in the store personnel were injured during the robbery.

– But they are jumpy, says Peter Adlersson.

Police are currently looking for the dog in the area and questioning people who may have made observations at the site.

No one is currently in custody.