Monday, February 9, 2015

Come up with a clever invention – grinding out of jail – New Technology

A slightly different way to drive technology development.

An invention can provide a ticket out of jail.

     An invention can provide a ticket out of jail. Photo: All over the press

Are you sitting in a Chinese prison, you can get a deduction on sentence if you develop a new, useful technology. It writes the New York Times with reference to the Chinese newspaper Beijing Youth Sheet.

The examples given a medical officer sentenced to eight years in prison for bribery. He received the sentence shortened by one year and three months, after he has patented a nose protection of single model that filters air pollution.

But newspaper reports that the system has given rise to an extensive black market trade, where convicted criminals buy patents of the real inventors. A patent for an invention is easier said to cost the equivalent of about 9700 crowns, while patents on more complex technologies can cost upwards of 85 000 SEK.

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