Monday, April 4, 2016

Swedes want to help stroke patients with VR technology – FZ

It is said that someone suffers a stroke was 17 minutes in Sweden. Stroke or brain hemorrhage means you got a hemorrhage in the brain that causes damage depending on where it occurs. Problems with speech and motor skills are common effects. Umeå-based Brain Stimulation now want to make rehabilitation more fun and more stimulating by using VR technology.

– We now know that the brain is plastic and has an amazing ability to repair itself if it is trained intensively. This applies even if it’s been several years since the injury. We know that healing is facilitated if the exercise is stimulating and fun. That’s where VR and gamification comes in, says Helena Fordell who is the founder of Brain Stimulation and neurologist at Umeå University Hospital.

The first game released is Rehatt, which is a simpler form of puzzle game. With the help of special glasses with a customized joystick, the patient should solve puzzles. How this might look like you see in the video below.

According to Brain Stimulation themselves can see the results after 15 hours of work in the game. Rehatt currently being evaluated by stroke clinics in Sweden. If all goes expected a larger release.


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