Sunday, March 29, 2015

Television: Technology for young people – Skovde News

Training. Skaraborgs industry is investing heavily to attract young people to the industry.

It is called Opportunity World and is about to get young people interested in different professions in technology and industry. In Skövde visit 1500 students in eighth grade from all over Skaraborg for eight days.

– There’s been quite an investment in the very long run, where it is hoped that students will gain interest and read up on a profession enable companies to get more manpower in the future, says Hillevi Larsson, process manager at the Technical College that serves as a bridge between schools and business.

– Businesses are really worried about how their future will look like. In Skaraborg we are the mighty big in terms of industry and you are afraid that not enough people should educate themselves.

The concern is not whether that interest has somehow diminished, but rather about the fact that many active in industries soon retire, says Hillevi. World of Opportunity was also organized last year and was not supposed to happen again in Skövde, but because the pressure and the interest was so great by firms became eventually the same.

– This covers everything from welders to engineers and interest among children is very spread out. It will not only hit and listening but also get to try on a lot and see many cool machines, so it’s really fun.


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