Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Bill Gates climate alliance can invest in Sweden – New Technology

Sweden’s involvement in Obama’s new global climate initiative could lead to Bill Gates new venture alliance invests in Swedish energy projects. “The private investors to invest in the countries involved,” says Research Helene Hellmark Knutsson.

Climate Initiative “Mission Innovation” launched by Barack Obama, US president, on climate meeting’s first day in Paris recently.

It is a collaboration between 20 countries – including Sweden-and it-billionaire Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Coalition “. It is an alliance of 28 private operators. Among them are well-known billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezo and businessman George Soros.

In a YouTube video (which you can see here above) Gates says that the goal of the alliance is to provide investment boost to companies that work with R & D projects which could lead to technological breakthroughs in the energy sector. The aim is to develop strange new ideas that can help to stem the effects of climate change, particularly in poor and vulnerable countries.

US invitation to Sweden came when Helene Hellmark Knutsson (S) Minister of Higher Education and Research, visited the Research Forum in Kyoto, Japan, in early October. There she met Obama’s science adviser John Holdren.

– We had a meeting, and then he picked up that Obama wanted to take a climate initiative before the Paris meeting and asked if we were interested in being involved, says Helene Hellmark Knutsson.

The Swedish participation, she points , is in line with Sweden’s policy objective of becoming a fossil-nation forward.

The forms of cooperation are not confirmed in detail. But an important principle that research results produced shall be transparent and shared by the parties involved.

The countries participating in the climate initiative promises to double R & D allocation in the area of ​​”clean energy” by 2020. America’s part, it is about four billion dollars.

Here at home, the Government is today more than 100 million research per year in the areas of renewable energy and efficient energy technologies. They are now expected to increase to 240-250 million in 2020.

According to Helene Hellmark Knutsson has the private investors, however, an important role to fill if the initiative is to be successful.

Gates alliance commits namely to invest and invest venture capital in the countries participating in Mission Innovation. The idea is that billionaires should be able to latch on to promising R & D projects and provide early-stage financing or seed money.

Will we get See Bill Gates or any of the other members of the alliance to invest in smart Swedish energy future?

– Yes, if the are sufficiently competitive globally. What I find exciting is to find cost-effective solutions to provide clean energy at low cost, says Helene Hellmark Knutsson.

What do you hope to achieve with this Swedish participation?

– What we want to achieve is an increased focus on research and Innovation in the energy development, in which Sweden already today has a leading role. We would also strengthen the implementation and testing of the technology.

The Swedish participation also shows that Sweden is taking a global responsibility for the climate, which is important, she says.

Will the guidelines for money in the forthcoming research bill?

– Yes, much will we have in the bill, but then it will also be calls via expert authorities.

Read more:

All 20 participating countries can be found here:

The investors can read about here

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