Monday, December 21, 2015

Only pennies from Nevs affair ends up in Trollhattan – New Technology

ANALYSIS. At most, 1.5 billion of the new Nevsavtalet end up in Trollhattan, shows Ny Teknik’s analysis of the figures.

Let’s assume that everything is true, for it is, after all, what we want. After all, soon Christmas, and people around the mangled car factory in Trollhattan need so urgently something positive.

The agreement is about 150,000 electric cars by 9-3 bodywork and 100,000 second electric vehicles, as well as services, from manufacturers other than Nevs, 2020. Total value of this is said to be 100 billion. How the money is distributed between Nevs and others, and between Trollhättan and China, is not clear.

It is not clear if this is a contract or a declaration of intent, and what the prospective purchaser Panda New Energy has for economic opportunities reality. But let us say assume that everything is true.

If we, for example, beats out the 100 billion level of 250 000 vehicles, the cost SEK 400 000 per car. For an electric car is not an unreasonable cost, might suffice even to some “services”.

More interesting is when we start to calculate how much of the money that lands in Trollhättan. Which should, at most, produced 150 000 painted bodies of type 9-3. The cost of producing one is, at the most, SEK 10 000. This means that a maximum of 1.5 of the 100 billion goes to Nevs in Trollhättan.

Until 2020, equivalent to SEK 300 million a year. Perhaps it is enough to pay for 200 engineers and as many car builders. Nevs currently has 400 employees.

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