Friday, June 14, 2013

Comments Off for system upgrade - New Technology


Titta, refrigerator snackar!

SLIDESHOW. In the middle of Seoul’s Samsung’s interactive paradise that is open to everyone. There, even the fridge lives in the smart kitchen.

is computer gaming mecca

Tournaments have multimillion audience.

Gnisslig drive on rälsen

squeaks when the pantograph running rails. Ny Teknik test rode Elways test track at Arlanda.

Volvo elväg rolls on

autumn and winter testing elväg for trucks shows that the technology can handle the climate.

Cleared winter testing

Cold, snow and ice have not been a problem for Elways test track at Arlanda.

Ready for car track at the airport

“Here we go,” says Gunnar Asplund, formerly ABB engineer, told Ny Teknik.

AMERICA’S SPYWARE NSA-chef defends spionage

Keith Alexander, director of the NSA, said at a hearing of the Senate that Prism has helped prevent dozens of terrorist attacks.

IT-jättar presses regeringen

IT giants presses government

Facebook, Google and Microsoft requires the U.S. government to make public the data submitted to the NSA.

“Prism threaten privacy ‘

European Parliament believes that the NSA’s Prism program is unacceptable.

Sensor makes common network smartare

3M has developed equipment that allows power grid smarter, without major redevelopment.

Consumers benefit from digital powerline

electricity consumers are the ones who have the most to retrieve when electricity modernized and become more digital. So says John D McDonald, at General Electric.

Volvo's new green car

shows up Volvo V60 Bi-Fuel, which is a combination of petrol and gas has a range of 112 mil.

Plast protects against strålning

Plastic is an effective protection against radiation in space than aluminum, shows data from the instrument Crater.


Så much increases New Teknik

Reader Success continues for New Technology. Today came the next success for the magazine – plus 22 per cent in recent Orvesto measurement.

E-röstning meets hinder

General elections must now be free, secret and transparent. When Sweden is considering introducing electronic voting, the question is whether the requirements can be meet.

“Biggest threat is outside the electoral system”

Norwegian e-rolled project identified a number of potential security threats.


extraction of shale gas by “fracking” may not be the case in Sweden. The fact that Sweden would have one-sixteenth of all the deep shale gas in Europe is not true.

Limmade cars lyfter

adhesives for the automotive industry is a rapidly growing sector. Atlas Copco is one of the major players in the field.

Laddad bus accident with gas

bus stuck in a tunnel. Normally simple to fix – but this time it was a gas bus. Traffic was paralyzed for ten hours.

Mamma playing with barn

store manager to take parental leave every other weekend. Law & Contract experts know what is what.

Följ Einstein to rymden

European Space Agency has sent cargo spacecraft ATV4, also known as Albert Einstein, to the space station. A camera on board followed its inception.

tag side are more articles on the subject overall

Read more

Svenskar good ledare

Sweden is best in the world of leadership. At least if you believe a study from Switzerland.

Shot. Leaning against the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences does not make sense for all new studies, writes Professor Lennart Söder.

The Agency will wind industry issues and provide any support for the wordy environmentally destructive experiment, consider the debaters .

“Put down your Energy Agency”

Energy Agency puts Sweden for a risky game. The stake is our competitiveness, jobs and welfare, but also our environment.


Locally is good - it gives food on the table and money in your wallet , according to the debaters.

delivered home grocery bags are great, but it is the industry which is the backbone of the Swedish economy. We need a coherent political vision of the Swedish automotive industry.

Neutronkanonen may fart

1000 square meters large experimental hall is completed at Uppsala University. Here, accelerator technology to the world’s strongest netronkälla developed and tested.

Hårdvaran better than smart finesser

Samsung’s latest flagship is a phone with really good hardware, a review of most of the screen.

Blev king with simple blad

ART HISTORY. 1895, King Camp Gillette an awesome idea. He would create a razor that was so cheap that it could be thrown when it became dull.

Carlskrona stopped pirates

HMS Carlskrona intervened on Wednesday against pirates who hijacked an Indian vessel in the Gulf of Aden.

warship is equipped

carry both a helicopter and a speedboat for pirate hunting.

autumn and winter tests of Volvo and Alstom elväg for trucks shows that the technology can handle the climate – on välplogad road. Some sharp ice and blew tests were not made.

Mättad land behind översvämning

Moisture Saturated soil in an area hit by heavy rains at the turn caused the severe flooding in Germany.


FRA would be free to send personal information to get through the ESM to hacking system TDV and vice versa. But Datainspektionen is critical. – The lack of a clear legal basis, says lawyer Nicklas Hjertonsson.

Last Quiz

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Toyota as byggsats

Toyota Camatte 57s comes as a kit.

Kamera with real 3d-koll

markers on the swimmer’s body cameras record the swimmer’s position.

Lyxtåg to tsunamiland

special luxury train will take tourists to the disaster areas in Japan.

Snacka if arvsmassa

spruce jacket man seven times. This is the result after dna research.

Snabblim based huset

Quick drying glue replaces nails and staples when wooden buildings builder shortens construction time.

Så attenuated bilbullret

TECHNOLOGY ISSUE. Readers investigates how active noise reduction can reduce the noise in the car.

I container purified water of uv-ljus.

The two Swedish innovations included in a couple of projects that receive money from Musikhjälpen.

Katastroftest for elcyklar

Nine of sixteen electric bicycles may fail in a comprehensive test.

Sjöplan to Russian militär

Russian Defense Ministry provides jet float planes.

USB-minne to Ipad

is an external flash that can be linked to the Iphone and Ipad.

Lite too stupid armleden

Ny Teknik tested the smart watch.

Motorcykel for flygnördar

Here is a motorcycle with an unusual engine.

Rekordpool parts staden

Osaka is planning the world’s longest swimming pool in the middle of the city.

Kan you svaret?

TECHNOLOGY ISSUE. Can you answer the question of the curious problems in Grangärdesgatan

Robyn meets his robot

pop artist has shown strong interest in KTH project.

Test: Here are the best plattan

The new screen is very comfortable to read on.

Volvo takes the help of the Mafia

Automaker takes after Ericsson.

Rekord wireless datatrafik

data transmission between high rises went in fiber speed.

close towards the arctic ice

Finnish shipyard Arctech has delivered two offshore vessels to contend with ice in the Sea of ??Okhotsk.

mobile competitor at BB

Researchers suggest that mobile draws attention away from the newborn.

Slutspanat in universum

Herschel Space Observatory has run out of coolant.

Higgs boson förklarat

Dr Derek Muller tells us where our lot will.

Svenskar popular Marsianer

Two Swedes are among the most popular of the 78,000 who want to settle on Mars.

Kläder other skinn

Technology are all closer to the body and integrated with the things we carry.

Så swing drill in hålet


Fixa ice cream with kväve

Yaleprofessorn shows.

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