After enduring harsh criticism at E3 back now Microsoft.
Xbox One will no longer require daily onlineveriferingar.
console will not impose any restrictions on used games.
scathing criticism has borne fruit. The game world can exhale. Microsoft announced late last night that giving in to players’ anger. Xbox One drop their demands for daily onlineverifieringar and will no longer impose any restrictions on used games.
This means that the console is in many respects will serve as the Xbox 360. The player will still need internet connection to initially be able to start the machine, but then you can play all the games offline.
All games region free
Another bonus is that the Xbox One games will now be region-free, just like the PlayStation 4 games.
As a result of this change, however, Microsoft will dump the opportunity to share their games digitally.
In a blog post on the Xbox Wire presents Don Mattrick, head of the interactive entertainment business at Microsoft, why they changed their minds.
– You told us how much you love the flexibility you have with the game that comes on disc today. The ability to borrow, share and sell these games that you yourselves pleases is of great importance to you. Another thing that is important to you is the ability to play offline, as long as you yourself want, anywhere in the world.
“We have listened”
– That’s why today I can reveal that we changed our mind and that you can play, share, lend or sell back your Xbox One games as you want.
– We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the takeover of digital licensierande and connectivity. Although we believe that most people will want to play games online and have wasted on the cloud for both gaming and entertainment, we will give consumers the chance to choose between physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear that you want the best of both worlds.
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