Friday, September 23, 2016

Ten years on the throne – Skövde News

When he looks back and talks about what he accomplished in his years so it will be a long list. He seems to be, if the expression is excused, have had their fingers in every single municipal syltburk.

One of perhaps his most important achievements is that he was with to stop the mining and provborrningarna after uranium in Billingen area.

some of Leif’s exploits

Leif Walterum has been involved in a lot, as Frostaliden with over 300 homes, that is being built ..

Selection of Leif’s exploits

Leif Walterum has been involved in a lot, as Frostaliden with over 300 homes, which are built with totally new technology, high-rise buildings with load-bearing wood frame.

” If not the municipality is located on and try new technology, it can not expect other players to do it. We can set a good example, ” says Leif Walterum.

He followed the Gothia Science Park since its inception with Anders Flanking in the 90′s and been with and made every decision on the expansion. Försvarsmaktsrådet is one of his “baby” and he is proud of it go on to build in the outlying areas, Tidan and Timmersdala, Arenabygget and the Billingen, and that the municipality is almost exclusively procure Swedish food.

Walterum has over the years been made the decision around the expansion in terms of trade, climate-smart housing, new business partners and skolbyggen and he is extra proud to have invented the first försvarsmaktsrådet in the country.

– It is a coordinating council between the civil and the military. We started with a model in Skövde, sweden, as the Finnish parliament has taken the decision shall be in the entire country.

– We also have a 99% fossil-free heating by district heating with biofuels.

– With such economies of scale had not Skövde been on the map, and the initiatives we are now working on the Barrack would not have been possible.

in Order to understand the scope explains Leif to the whole of cementa’s open pit mine corresponds to what uranbolaget had to dig out every year.

And then Cementa kept on for a hundred years.

According to the Walterum is the concentration of uranium in limestone in addition, as low as about 600 grams per tonne. The rest, he says, is slaggmaterial, that is to say, hazardous waste.

Bet on growth

we Had not managed to stop the mining and provborrningarna had the long term, we received a gigantic hole that could have extended from Broddetorp to Varnhem and Skövde’s city limits. It had been extremely difficult to attract more residents.

Now there was nothing jättehål and the municipality invests in to grow. Here, there is talk of a population of almost 90 000 inhabitants by the year 2050.

– Then we would probably no longer be the minimum regioncentrum, ” says Leif Walterum.

He believes that it is necessary for the both Volvobolagen, university of technology, Gothia Science Park, hospital and the armed Forces to stay in the resort and then, the local authority must be able to attract with a broad smorgasbord of temptations such as attractive housing, good arbetspendling and good service.

physically would Skövde expatiate on both the length and the width, from Borgunda against Tibro and away against Hjo.

” Then you have probably also Stöpen grown together with Ryd and we have residential areas up at Simsjön.

An even greater densification between the districts and probably we have also our first skyscraper in the center of the city.

But it of course requires a kommunledning who dare to take the sometimes uncomfortable decisions, but there is no Walterum afraid.

” No, the important thing is to arrive at a decision, get it wrong you can always correct it afterwards. To say no all the time do not agree.

He emphasizes that there must be a balance between the several housing, infrastructure and services and traffic congestion could be solved with a dialogue.

” What is it that says that all must begin and end at the same time?

Safeguard rail shuttles

A very important issue in the near future is to solve is the poor maintenance of the Western main line, like the alderman.

– We can’t have trains that are constantly late, reduced speeds and bad bridges. It is devastating for commuter traffic and is not conducive to growth.

But the planned high-speed train on the other side of lake Vättern he is not afraid of.

– It will be too long before it is reality. Where he set up a far too optimistic timetable, given the new technology you intend to use. The Swedish transport administration has said that it will be completed in the year 2040. I’m guessing that it is more realistic with the 2050 or 2060.

Walterum want to see bets on the regional traffic between Skövde, Karlstad, Örebro and Jönköping for it to be more attractive to arbetspendla.

– However, the problems with the Western main line needs to be tackled now.

Himself, he lives for the thesis that problems are to be solved, both at work and in private life.

He admits that the job that the mayor has his price.

– A position of trust, you have 365 days a year, around the clock, you become a vulnerable person and it has happened that I have been threatened.

in Short, the public has its price and there are high demands on his near and dear ones who get to pull a heavy load at home.

” But I have said that I will not at any meetings prior to the halvnio in the morning then I leave the twins at preschool and I try to have one day free each weekend.

He has also promised to one day jump of their mission and do something completely different.

You might be ballongförare instead?

” Nah… It’s probably difficult to feed on, I think.


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