Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Light from tablet devices disrupts sleep – New Technology

To read a while before bedtime may impair your sleep – if the reading is from an e-reader.

Light from tablet devices disrupts sleep

     Poorer sleep after reading the plate. Photo: Alloverpress

Attempts made in the USA show that people who read books from e-readers or other types of screens are more difficult to fall asleep and have less REM sleep than people who read a book on paper in bed lamplight.

Half of the participants in the test were allowed to read books from tablets four hours before it was time to sleep at 22.00. Wake was at 06.00 the following morning. The other half read paper books.

A first examination session took place five evenings in a row. After a day’s break in the test participants exchanged books and e-readers with each other.

The researcher Anne-Marie Chang at Harvard Medical School in Boston could note that those who read books from e-readers fell asleep later and had shorter so-called REM sleep than those who read paper books.

She concludes that the bluish light from the screens disturbs the formation of the sleep hormone melatonin.

The study has been published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of scienses (PNAS).


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