Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This year’s hottest technology trends: Beware of Ransomware – New Technology

New Technology lists the ten hottest technology trends this year.

     New Technology lists the ten hottest technology trends this year. GRAPHICS: Jonas Askergren.

Everything from drones to DNA sequencing fit in this year’s technology trends, while also urged everyone to think about where Uber available in their own industry. But beware of the malicious code that locks the desktop, mobile or data.

  1. Drone civil service
    better and cheaper sensors combined with powerful image processing software allows small unmanned vehicles are increasingly used in the civil service. In agriculture, they contribute to higher yields through fertilization and irrigation can be controlled precision. Forest companies are planning fell in detail and energy measures quickly up the volume on the chip piles. But there are problems. The more drones in the air, the greater the risk of collisions with aircraft and violation of privacy.
  2. Uber industry X
    The music industry was hit by the digitization already for over ten years ago, but in 2014 it became obvious that digitization will hit wide in all industries. At the time, the areas of education, health care, law, transportation, media, retail and financial sectors. Taxi service Uber has been highlighted as examples of new players that punctures the existing business models, and the question everyone should ask themselves in 2015 are:
    Where is the Uber in my industry?
  3. Smart clothes
    After the smart bracelets come the clothes. With sensors and electronics woven into the fabric needed no training bracelets. Rather than doing workout jersey job. One example is the French D-shirt that launched this year. The technology makes it possible to design clothing that heats, cools, change shape, communicates or captures energy from the environment. Smart bandages, plasters and clothes can monitor patients in health care and even diagnosis.
  4. DNA sequencing breakthrough in health care
    The price for mapping a person’s entire DNA rages. Ten years ago, the price tag of about 100 million. Now it is on the road for 10 000 SEK. This opens the wide use of genkartläggningar in healthcare to quickly diagnose and provide the right person with the right care. In a Swedish pilot test already mapped the genes in cancer patients. The UK has a survey of 100,000 people, with the aim to provide individualized care.
  5. Language barriers are torn
    In December 2014, Microsoft launched direct translation of spoken language Skype, initially between Spanish and English, other languages ​​follow. The service is based on advances in automatic translation, self-learning systems and analysis of spoken language. Because the technology is self-learning, the result is better with time.
    Thus, man is finally on its way to bridge the world’s linguistic confusion which, according to the Old Testament appeared in Babylon.
  6. The virtual reality is here
    When Facebook bought the company Oculus 13 billion in 2014, was forced to game enthusiasts realize that the digital mask Oculus Rift could be interesting for other than gaming. What is new is that you can look around in the virtual reality, and experience everything from personal meetings to shopping and travel. Competitors include Sony’s Morpheus, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, Zeiss WR One and Swedish Binopad, but everyone is waiting for the launch of the Oculus Rift.
  7. New Internet
    Connected gadgets – internet of things – continues to be one of the hottest technology trends this year. Making considerable investments industry to standardize how data from millions of sensors to be collected and analyzed. More than 100 companies, including ABB, part of the consortium “Industrial Internet.” In Germany, the work goes under the name of Industry 4.0. The objectives include higher degree of automation, higher efficiency and more flexible production.
  8. Now, this spring the AI ​​
    Since the term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1955, it has often been associated with disappointments. But after the long known as the AI ​​winter, it is now the AI ​​spring. Small and large IT companies are working on technology that self-learning systems and neural networks, and progress is marked. Talking agent Amelia from US IP Soft handle customer service issues without human intervention, and the debate about the machines are taking the jobs have taken off. 2015 will be exciting.
  9. Mobile will wallet
    Getting acquainted of mobile payment in 2014 was the launch of the Apple Pay that allows users to pay in shops without even unlocking the phone, but a number of smaller and larger companies are developing competing services. The wireless technology NFC seems to finally break through and can contribute to the cell phone becomes a real wallet that holds everything from tickets and coupons to door keys. However, keep an eye on the Joker in electronic payment – bitcoin.
  10. IT Security: Passwords and ransoms
    A new security threats in 2015 is known as Ransomware – malicious code that locks computers, mobiles or data, and that criminals use to claim from the owner of a ransom. What is new is that Ransomware enters the cloud. At the same time, the problems with weak passwords finally be resolved with the Protocol Fido U2F, developed by including Swedish Yubico and Google. It is used in a USB key man carries with him – but the key will not access your account.

 Marie Alpman
       Marie Alpman
Email reporter

 Mats Lewan
       Mats Lewan
Email reporter


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