Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fair to nuclear power to bear its own costs “- New Technology

     Ny Teknik’s readers thought about the Energy Minister Ibrahim Baylans view that Sweden will eventually have 100 percent renewable energy. Pictured enjoying some of the sun with closed Barsebäck in the background. Photo: TT

READER COMMENTS. Can nuclear power be replaced? And why should the state subsidize wind power? Ny Teknik’s interview with Ibrahim Baylan sparked readers’ debate desire.

Energy Minister Ibrahim Baylans goal to Sweden will eventually have 100 percent renewable energy gets met with opposition among the magazine’s readers. So far, the article has received 170 reader comments on the web.

Signature Carl suggests that renewables have a lot of emissions before they begin to produce energy. Nuclear power is here to stay, he says, and writes: “Invest in some generation IV reactors by 2030 instead” .

Signature Eco is on the same track and writes:” Transition to renewable only is just nonsense “. Eko pointing to Germany as an example of its decommissioning plans for nuclear power. Their power can only be replaced in terms of power with as much fossil fuels as coal and gas, Eco writes.

Even Ibrahim Baylans desire to strengthen certificates under criticism. The signature Panoptes writes that wind energy today is only possible thanks to the certificates which are subsidies. “ For the state, it is practical with the certificates. They do not cost the Treasury anything, they are not visible on the electric bill and it does not lead to any budget discussions, because the result of the certificates is zero for the Treasury. For us consumers, this means that almost 5 billion used to make electricity generation less efficient, money wasted , “writes Panoptes.

Signature Engineers and laborer lacks technology news of Ibrahim Baylans visions. All for great deals instead of tax increases, consider this reader.

But energy minister also get credit for their willingness to replace nuclear power.

Benkt Högstedt believes that Ibrahim Baylan right. “ It is very reasonable to nuclear power to bear their own costs. But more is not final disposal understood and hence its cost of what I can understand. , “he writes.


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