Monday, April 20, 2015

New technologies are copying your movements in real time – Business Week

Microsoft takes up the fight with Google and Apple and has recently launched a service that recreates the complex human movements in real time.

Microsoft launches right now one cool technical solution after another and it is clear that they want to compete with Google and Apple. are experts in digital marketing and follows the hottest trends in the field, and keeping you up to date with the latest in social media, mobile, analysis, innovations and the people who make a difference in our digital lives.

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They have recently launched a new technical solution that can reproduce human movements in real time with the Kinect technology.

Hand Pose is a new technique for following the movement of the hands in real time. The system can reconstruct complex hand movements using only one camera (such as the Xbox Kinect Ones).

Microsoft Research’s goal is to enable new computer interactions between people and new types of applications and solutions including Kinect, which has Microsoft made known for its expertise in motion-sensor systems.

Although technology has improved over the years, it has some way to go before it can replicate the movement of human hands entirely correct, but the technique could lead to new technical innovations in the near future.

Microsoft emphasizes that Hand Pose Tracker is flexible when it comes to camera placement and work, which means that the technology is very promising for the development of real-world applications.


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