Mjölby municipality has several pilot projects that are ongoing or will be implemented when it comes to digitisation within health and social care.
the Care and socialförvaltningens manager is Lis-Anna Engstrand. She attended a week ago when it was an e-medborgarvecka at the library. There came the inhabitants of the municipality and informed, inter alia, on technological changes that are occurring within the municipal service.
There came a part that is curious on the municipality’s work with nattillsyn with the camera, tells the Lis-Anna Engstrand.
"night rest", the municipality’s attempt with night-time supervision with the help of the camera, are now being offered to anyone who has a need. It is a fixed camera as in the agreed times watching over the patient. The home connect to the camera and can get a quick answer, if it is quiet in the bedroom, instead of having to sneak into the apartment, taking the risk to awaken and worry about the accommodation.
” today, We have two people who have nattillsyn through the camera. Nattillsyn via the camera is in its infancy and it is only now, after our pilot projects that we can offer the service, ” she says.
extensive work is underway to introduce nyckelfri home care. But it will take time to change the locks so that the staff can open with their phones.
In the phones to be registered who is locked up, time and how long the visit lasted from the user.
the Home don’t have to keep track of keys to all users.
– It becomes more efficient efforts and resources can be deployed where they are most needed, says the Lis-Anna Engstrand.
In Skänninge and Väderstad are in the final stages of the introduction. It is with diligence that the exchange takes place in rural areas, where journey times are long. Also on the trygghetsboendena in the municipality changed the locks.
A third area is trygghetslarmen, where the municipality today has three different suppliers. There is an ongoing digitalisation of the emergency systems and the conversion is required because the old kopparnäten for telephony gradually be – and this applies to the entire country.
– the Conversion is in full swing. The alarms will go through the fiber or the mobile GSM network. With digitisation you can get a number of new features, such as statistics and follow-up, ” says Lis-Anna Engstrand.
Another example of new technology that was tested is a mobile home health care where staff can gain access to the records on the ground by a go to the terminal and the gps alarm that people with cognitive disabilities can use. The latter works so that an alarm will be sent if the person is going outside a certain predetermined geographic area.
It is not only in Mjölby, sweden as this is ongoing work. All the country’s municipalities are facing this technology. It is not a question of if, but when, says the Lis-Anna Engström.
” We have been brought to the attention of other municipalities for our work. We have received enquiries from other municipalities who wish to learn of us, ” she says.
With the introduction of new technology will also work with risk analysis, and other security procedures and practices to protect personal privacy.
Technology is to streamline and free up more time for users, says Tove Healthy, which is a communicator on the care and social services. But it is also important to say that it provides a greater choice for the patient. Technology should not replace – but complement – the personal efforts. Our job is now to tackle these changes with the help of the information, ” she says.