the united states are now accusing the official of the Russian state to have hacked political parties in the country. The aim should have been to meddle in the american election campaign – and the US promises to respond to it.
– We will do it at a time and place that we choose, ” says a high-ranking government official to AFP.
the united states is now certain that the Russian government stood behind the recent mejlläckor from u.s. officials, authorities and political parties. The write the american underrättelsemyndigheter in an officially statement.
The documents published by the including Wikileaks were stolen in a manner consistent with the way Russia has done in the past, they write.
"made in Europe"
the Attacks are believed to have been carried out that Russia would like to influence the u.s. elections.
"Such activity is not new to Moscow – the russians have used similar tactics and technology in Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence the public opinion", said the authorities.
the Attacks are so advanced and extensive that they must have been ordered by the top leadership in Russia, they write on.
A couple of american states has notified the foreign activity in the computer system to be used on election day. The traffic has been traced to servers belonging to a Russian company, write to the american authorities.
"But, in the moment, we are not in a position where we can attribute the activity to the Russian government."
The calls on election workers throughout the united states to be on their guard.
Warning to Russia
A high-ranking, anonymous government official sending a warning to Russia via the AFP news agency:
“We will act to protect our interests, even in cyberspace, and we will do so at a time and place that we choose,” says a high-ranking government official to AFP.
” the Public should not assume that they know what action has been taken or what actions will be taken.
A spokesperson for the Kremlin says to Reuters that the allegations are "nonsense".
This is the first time the u.s. government points out the Russian government and Vladimir Putin, who is directly responsible for the hacker attacks.
"Syria was the last straw"
Sources close to president Obama say to CNN that has been debated long and hard whether to take the plunge and do it. You should have been safe in a long time.
talks on Syria broke down in the week to have played a role in their decision, ” said the sources.
In July, Wikileaks tens of thousands of e-mails which, among other things, showed how the Democratic party committee seemed to have been unfavourable to Bernie Sanders when the party would choose a candidate.
The u.s. government said that the leaks could be traced to Russia, but did not mention the government. The FBI investigated the leak since then.

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