Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, and Bernard L. Feringa is awarded the prestigious Nobel prize in chemistry this year for the design and synthesis of molecular machines.
it is Hoped, among other things, that the machines should be able to be injected into the bodies and to facilitate the state of patients.
– So clearly, this is a start of a new period, ” says the award winner Bernard L. Feringa to Expressen TV.
Follow all about the chemistry prize.
It is Nobelpristider.
During the Wednesday announced Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, and Bernard L. Feringa as joint winners of the prestigious Nobel prize in chemistry.
” I didn’t know what I would say when I got the message. It was a shock. It was a big surprise. I was very honored, I am emotional ahead of this, ” said the prize-winner Bernard L. Feringa, who was with via telephone during the press conference.
the Trio was awarded the prize for it, which is presented as “the world’s smallest machines”. According to the Nobel committee’s justification, the award goes to the trio for their development of molecules whose movements can be check and can do a job when they get the energy.
The kemiprisade technology can in the future lead to mikrorobotar for targeted treatments in the body, which would be able to shoot the drug in the cells in the body.
“A very small lift, artificial muscles, and minimal motors”
“A very small lift, artificial muscles, and minimal motors.” write the nobel Committee in its press release.
“When I saw this machine for the first time, it was also a shock, I could hardly believe that it worked,” says Bernard L. Feringa.

Motivation: “the Development in computing technology shows the revolution a miniaturization of the technology can lead to. 2016, the winner of the nobel prize in chemistry has miniatyriserat machines, and had taken chemistry to a new dimension.”
” It’s amazing that you can make machines on a molecular level. It is staggering, ” says Göran K Hansson, Royal Swedish Academy of sciences permanent secretary, to Expressen.
The three winners are awarded a total of eight million, which shall be divided equally between them.
” We’ll celebrate it here with our team, with our young students who worked all year with this program. So clearly, it is a start of a new period, when we shall try to use these machines in new fields, ” says Bernard L. Feringa to Expressen TV.
Third Nobel prize this week
the Announcement is the third this week. On Monday, it was announced that the japanese scientist and professor Yoshinori Ohsumi to receive the Nobel prize in medicine for his discovery and identification of the machinery that controls the autofagi.
yesterday, Tuesday, the news came that the british forskartrion David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz receive the Nobel prize in physics for it, which is presented as exotic matter in the quantum world.
American, won the chemistry prize 2015

the 2015 kemipris was awarded to american Paul Modrich, turkamerikanen Aziz Sancar and the swede Tomas Lindahl, for “mechanistic studies of DNA repair”.
Most’s laureates in chemistry comes from the united states – the whole 61,5 pieces (half the points are awarded to the countries involved if two people of different nationality share the same price, reds. Note). Next comes Germany with 28 and the united kingdom with 25.
Sweden has four points on the list with the 1903 winner Svante August Arrhenius, 1926 Theodor Svedberg, tysksvensken Hans von Euler-Chelpin 1929, 1948 Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius so Tomas Lindahl last year.
On Friday provided information about who or which is awarded the Nobel peace prize, and on Monday announced who will get the prize in economic sciences. Who is awarded the Nobel prize in literature will be announced later than usual this year, and the date is not set yet.

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