Monday, August 11, 2014

I want to nationalize healthcare “- Aftonbladet

Social Affairs Göran Hägglund (KD), held its sommartal where it is guaranteed would be a lot of people.

At the mall in Ullared came the Christian Democrats valutspel.

– Any hospital care should be nationalized, says Göran Hägglund.

Just outside the store entrance Gekås Göran Hägglund chose to keep his sommartal. To the sound of rattling shopping carts that drove by in a steady stream, began his speech by talking about the unrest in the world. He mentioned the war in Syria but focused then on to

to talk about Gaza. Hamas is a terrorist organization that uses human shields and there is also reason to criticize Israel, explains Hagglund. But he is concerned about the anti-Semitism that come to life.

– Anti-Semitism is as despicable as any other racism. We recognize it and we hate it and we will always fight it. We will never be silenced, says Göran Hägglund.

He is also worried about what’s going on Christians in northern Iraq. The EU must take greater responsibility and the United Nations should consider sending troops to the area.

– UN must investigate all paths, also militarily, to protect them, our, fellow men in place.

The difference of waiting time

The Minister of Social Affairs will then set on what he have a passion for most, health care. He comes with the new proposal that any hospital should be nationalized. And call it the century of reform. Medical care the county councils are unequal and inefficient, think Hagglund and delivers statistics.

– The difference in waiting time for care in different counties are too large. For malignant melanoma, you have to wait 15 days in a county and 55 in another. It is an indefensible injustice.

Norway is a good example that Sweden should take after, he continues. Where care is managed for 10 years by the state. Financing shall be provided with tax change – the state takes over the money that counties use for hospitalization.

Hagglund has not, however, grounded the proposal of alliance parties. Which is noticeable when asked directly after the speech.

– This is the Christian Democrats’ gambit. What others think the party may be the answer for.

The second part of the summer’s launch Hagglund to complain that there is often too much technology and too little vision in politics. The Christian Democrats are a visionary party, he says, referring to the vision of an individual-based society.

– I want a society where no one is held back and no one is left behind, says Hagglund and throw then into a Bible inspired quotes.

– I want us to treat others as we ourselves like to be treated.

Known KD “Freedom Party”

Family policy is at the heart of the Christian Democrats and are not provided in summer’s. Hägglund emphasizes that KD is a family party. Not a party that sees the family as a problem that he thinks that the opposition does.

– So it has been in Sweden since the spouses Myrdal’s time in the 1930s. Today, the utility is called for the quota parental. Bit by bit, parents will have to accept that they really are not of age to raw over his own life puzzle.

In order to get support for the statement, he asks for a show of hands. How many parents are and how many think they should be allowed to decide for themselves? Many hands visible in the air. Hägglund calls since the Christian Democrats a libertarian party.

– If you are adult enough to be a parent can control their own lives.

Gekås founder, Göran Karlsson, hailed thereafter.

– Gekas is an example of an activity that pushes prices and providing jobs. Which in turn provides resources for prosperity, said Hagglund and interjects that there are contractors and not government that creates new jobs.

Finally, he threatened the opposition’s policy will lead to fewer jobs. And says he has asked Gekås owners what it would mean if the opposition carries out its proposals.

– If it is expensive to hire young people, it would cost 12 million dollars per year. That means 45 full-time positions. Restaurant Momsen as the opposition wants to raise the equivalent of 25 people. It is for a single company.

Older lady: You are standing in the way

During the press conference may Hagglund asked if he has met the real people in Ullared. Oh yes, a restaurant owner, he has spoken to.

Hagglund then premiered as Gekas Customer. With an entourage of photographers, he goes around in the store. Visitors do not take as much notice of the Minister. An elderly lady expresses that Hägglund indeed in the way of her shopping cart. Hagglunds bargains in the store becomes a mobile charger.


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