Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Operated front of the children – Aftonbladet

The mother of four was shot in cold blood to death with her baby in her arms.

A suspected hit man acquitted – and the case cooled.

Aftonbladet can now reveal that the woman’s ex-boyfriend again sought custody for having ordered the murder of his children’s mother.

At nine o’clock in the morning the day before midsummer 2010 opened the 37-year-old woman’s apartment door in Haninge outside Stockholm. Then the assassin fired three shots, then fled from the scene. The woman’s four children witnessed the brutal execution.

A month later, the police could arrest a then 22-year old man who was indicted for murder. The district court sentenced him to life imprisonment, but the Court of Appeal acquitted him entirely in a much-discussed judgment.

The verdict angered

– This acquittal has outraged many even at the side of us directly involved . We’ve been working on with the case and has now reached a point where we are ready to ask the man who we believe to have instigated the murder to justice, says Torsten Alm at Södertörn Police.

The suspect 35-year-old was arrested in Sunday at his home in Stockholm. Södertörn public prosecution office has also filed an application for revision to the disadvantage of the suspect torpedo to the Prosecutor, who say that a decision will come after the summer.

Fled to Egypt

There were no known links between the 22-year-old and the woman. Finally found the investigators comprehensive mobile service between 22-year-old and the now suspect 35-year-old – who is the father of the woman’s baby and was in a bitter custody battle with her.

40 minutes after the news of the arrest of 22- year-old posted online, booked 35-year-old single ticket to Egypt.

Arrested at the airport

In the autumn of 2012 he returned to Sweden. To be cleansed, he told police.

But the 35-year-old arrested already at the airport and arrested on suspicion of incitement to murder.

A month later, he was released on the loose.

But today requesting prosecutor Marcus Ekman once 35-year-old arrested for punching alternatively incitement to murder.

– I am well aware that it can be difficult to get an instigator convicted when the main offender is acquitted. But the evidence gathered against him should be enough, says Ekman.

The strongest evidence against the 22-year-old was clothes from a courier who was found near the crime scene and that traces of primer particles, blood from the woman, and DNA from the suspect . His fingerprints were on a cardboard box in the woman’s apartment. Phone records show that he was at her apartment just before the murder.

Both 22-year-old and 35-year-old did away with their mobiles on day of the murder.

The children testified

The Court of Appeal acquittal was based primarily on data from the woman’s three oldest children who witnessed the murder, when they were 13, 9 and 5 years. The children reported that the attacker was blonde or gray hair while the suspect was dark-haired.

The Supreme Court refused to take up the case.

– We think it’s odd that the free on witness accounts from traumatized children when there was strong forensic evidence, says Torsten Alm at Södertörn Police.


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