Wednesday, April 24, 2013

New severance claims against Veronica Palm - Aftonbladet

Personal Struggles in Social Democrats in Stockholm continues.

tonight there have been any new information on the director of the district have demanded that Veronica Palm will leave his position as president – something she denies, however.

addition to Palm on two occasions have tried to kick the municipal secretary Olle Burell.

a result of the deal about Omar Mustafa spotlight has been directed toward the Social Democratic districts in the City – who nominated him to the party executive. On Saturday, holds one annual meeting and then will include the President and Members of the Board elected.

It has previously been reported that a group S representatives in Stockholm working to Veronica Palm should resign and be replaced by ex-minister Ylva Johansson. Criticism of Palm is both about the latest developments around Mustafa, but dissatisfaction is even further back than that.

“would damage the party”

Earlier in the day, however, announced Johansson in a written statement to news agency TT that she did not want to stand against Palm.

– Any person battle for the presidency, I am not interested, I think it would hurt the party, she wrote.

past, several S-representatives openly demanded Palms departure. But she is nominated for re-election by a unanimous nomination committee as the sole candidate. Aftonbladet has previously reported that it may instead be the Vice Chairman, Member of Parliament Teres Lindberg, who can be the scapegoat and forced out of the weekend.

New severance requirements

evening TV4 News reports on a new retirement claim. They are aware of the internal email correspondence, which describes how an anonymous member of the Board in the City must have required to Palm and Vice Chairman Teres Lindberg should ask their seats available this weekend. For TV4 say though Veronica Palm that she did not know the requirements.

According to Aftonbladet as also municipal secretary Olle Burell played a central role in the brawl that has been in the district in the City. On two occasions, in December 2012 and later this spring, will Veronica Palm and Teres Lindberg have tried to dismiss Burell. They should have argued that he has not fulfilled its mandate mainly to have been to create peace in the district.

Strong support

Several sources say, however, for Aftonbladet that Burrell knew that he had such strong support among members, which meant that he could strike hard. The post of municipal secretary handled Representatives, which can be likened to the district convention. Burell was elected in 2010.

– They’ve tried to get him to go voluntarily, but that he has not done. Many think that Burrell has driven up the economy and routines in a good way, says a person with great insight into the S Stockholm.

According to Aftonbladet, many also estimated that Burrell had a good cooperation with the county.

– Previously, voters have become confusing when the county and the city have said different things, says a S-source.

Palm: “It is not true”

Veronica Palm writes in a written comment that she was aware of the emails TV4 quotes in the story.

– It is alleged that during the board meeting last Tuesday was asked to put my chair place in Stockholm arbetarekommun available. I do not think you should hold discussions from the board on, but just that’s not true. She urged me not to resign.

Palm also comments on his relationship with the municipal secretary Olle Burell:

– It is no wonder that from and have different opinions in a democratic organization. I have no reason to discuss the Board’s performance in public. But anyone who followed the media in recent weeks can probably see that Olle Burell and I have been well attuned and together handled a difficult situation, writes Palm.

Olle Burell has declined to comment on the information.

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