Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The new paradigm for web development - Computer Sweden

Sara Ingmar and Mattias Ores says that all web projects Valtech is involved in containing the responsive design of web pages. Photos: Lars Danielsson.

Sara Ingmar and Mattias Ores says that all web projects Valtech is involved in include responsive design of web pages. Photo: Lars Danielsson.

– Responsive Design, to a site to work on several different screens and devices is a given in a web project. We have no projects where it is not included, says Mattias Ores, business developer at consultancy Valtech in Stockholm.

class=”paragraphIntro”> A year then saw it differently. When Computer Sweden then met Valtech was Sara Ingmar, a consultant at the company, just in the final stages of his thesis at the master’s program in computer science at Uppsala University. It was to test the potential of the new technology. When we meet Valtech today have responsive design has become the standard for web development, although it still involves fairly new skills.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – The goal is to create a basic design that works on different devices. Although adaptations so as to get an optimal experience on different devices should not design changes significantly, says Sara Ingmar.

class=”paragraphIntro”> A problem in this context is that the number of different units, with different characteristics, is continuously increasing.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – Former maybe man contented himself with three different variants within a design and distinct changes between them. Now it’s more about that gradually adapt the design to get a good user experience regardless of screen size, says Mattias ores.

class=”paragraphIntro”> To demonstrate he changes the size of the browser on her laptop when a responsive web page appears. As the browser becomes smaller displays six different variations of the basic design for the site, each one designed for a specific size of the monitor. A new variant means in this case that the elements on the web is moved or altered to fit.

class=”paragraphIntro”> Put simply it more of a gradual change in the appearance for different types of units, than if a number of distinct looks for different devices. The change in approach, combined with a generally more mature approach to responsive design, made to the development of user interfaces for web applications increasingly handled in the same manner as the development of business logic.

class=”paragraphIntro”> A example is more iterative, or agile, project. A typical iteration is in two weeks, but in some more complex projects, an iteration can be up to four weeks. An example of complex projects are those that involve significant integration between web applications and backend systems.

class=”paragraphIntro”> An iteration aims normally create an executable version of the application developed. An iteration normally ends with a formal record of the work done during the iteration.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – Reconciliations done also running which is a natural and important part of a web project says Sara Ingmar.

class=”paragraphIntro”> Increased demands on continuous communication makes it natural to work in cross-functional teams. Traditionally, a graphic designer has developed a design for a webpage that different developers then enjoyed as a starting point for creating a functioning page. Now there is a graphic designer and an interface developers together and test their way through to create working code for a page. The work thus becomes more iterative.

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