Chaos Computer Club, CCC, has managed to hack Apple’s fingerprint systems using fairly simple methods. All that was required was to print the user’s fingerprint on a glass surface to create a fake ID and then unlock an iphone 5s with touchID.
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Sweden may have to wait for the new Iphones
CCC writes on his website that this again proves that one should avoid fingerprint security method. Apple released the new model of iPhone, coming soon to Sweden, with fingerprint sensors which according to them would be much safer than the last fingerprint technology.
– sensors on the new model is really just a higher resolution compared to previous sensors. So we only had to increase the resolution of our fake fingerprints, says one of the hackers codenamed Starbug to CCC.
– We’ve said this for years, fingerprints should not be used as collateral. We leave fingerprints everywhere and it’s just too easy to fake them, says Starbug.
Iphone 5 comes in two flavors, a little more expensive iphone 5s and a budget version iphone 5c. Fingerprint technology is available only on the more expensive model of iPhone 5s.
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