Thursday, September 19, 2013

New government - but same old problems -

Jörgen Lindqvist, Chief Editor

Jörgen Lindqvist, Editor

proposed new e-health authority to ensure coordination in healthcare IT is well about the umpteenth attempt in Sweden. Will it make any difference? Allow me to hesitate.

Class=”paragraphIntro”> We have a long tradition of wanting to coordinate care IT initiatives across the country. Along the rickety road has a number of different methods have been tried but none have succeeded despite numerous meetings between county directors.

Center for E-Health in interaction, CeHis, has a rather vague assignment from the county councils. Previously, both Carelink and Sjunet been attempted coordination.

challenge for many council today is that they are unable to develop and operate comprehensive solutions to streamline care. While no county coordination and continues to reinvent the wheel on their own. Added to this are the fact that counties are very different – SLL turnover nine times that of Kronoberg.

need for coordination was part of the investigator Sören Olofsson’s mission and therefore the Director of E-Health Authority put together a high level group of them leading counties and municipalities to jointly revise IT strategies. The only problem is that the money and the power of decision is in the county – not in any collaborative authority, whatever it is called.

councils controlled by the politicians with very different agendas than to be involved in making IT decisions that can be costly for the moment but create great benefit in the long run. The same problems exist between the Swedish authorities – there is no one who beats his fist on the table and decide how such law enforcement agencies to coordinate and streamline their information management. Courts Administration, Police and Customs Administration can happily invest in systems that are not at all talking to each other despite the fact that the opposite would save a lot of tax money.

E-health authority hopes to coordinate IT investments are naive. The decentralized county authority over health care unfortunately makes the coordination that much needed to be more than a hope of government investigators.

addition …

class=”paragraphIntro”> … it shame that Karin Johansson, State Secretary for IT in healthcare, now leaves his position and goes to Swedish Trade. Swedish health IT need experienced people who can push these issues in social ministry.

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