Friday, October 4, 2013

Here's engineers dream employer - Swedish Dagbladet

11,000 Swedish engineers was asked what is most important to them when choosing an employer replied the superior majority that they look solid position as number one. Flexible hours and competence in second and third place.

There are differences between women’s and men’s priorities, the survey conducted by the Union Graduate Engineers and magazine Ny Teknik.

– Those who want to attract female engineers should make a special effort in terms of corporate culture, ethics and values. For the men, competitive salary and employer’s innovation mindset importantly, says Malin Lindström responsible for career issues at the Swedish Engineers.

survey shows that opportunities for skills emerged as an important factor when engineers choose their employer. Three out of four respondents see it as very important.

– We have made another survey where we asked our members if they receive training. It is only 60 percent who get it, which is very alarming. When times are good they say that it does not have time for, and when it goes bad so you can not afford, says Malin Lindström.

According to her, says 36 percent of the engineers who are union members that they intend to change jobs within five years. The mean she demonstrates that companies must plan skills.

The study, which took SvD Business Part of it is also apparent that employers are most attractive to the Swedish engineers.

Google tops the list followed by ABB, Apple and Ericsson. But if you look at how men and women responded so show large differences up.

women see Ikea as the most attractive employer, followed by Google and Sweco. Included in the list are HM and Apple will at last place. For the men, Google most attractive employer, number two is Apple and ABB will at number three.

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The most attractive employer for all engineers:

1. Google

second ABB

3rd Apple

4. Ericsson

5th Scania

6. Volvo Group

7. Ikea

8. Saab Group

9. Sweco

10th Volvo Cars

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The most attractive employer for male engineers:

1. Google

second Apple

3rd ABB

4. Ericsson

5th Scania

6. Volvo Group

7. Saab Group

8. Volvo Cars

9. Atlas Copco

10th ÅF

The most attractive employer for women engineers:

1. Ikea

second Google

3rd Sweco

4. Scania

5th Volvo Group

6. Ericsson

7. Tetra Pak

8. ABB

9. HM

10th Apple

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