Saturday, January 4, 2014

The techniques that will emerge in 2014 - IT.Branschen

Body Close it

hugging it was already in 2013 a major talking point. In 2014, taking it off for real. One example is to allow the deaf converse in real time with the blind. It is possible if one side uses Microsoft’s Kinect gesture control and reading, for conversion to natural language, and on the other hand utilizes interface to read and write Braille. The body built and enhanced technology is reflected in everything from in transportation to health care and education.


We’ve heard it before, that html5 will take over for software development. Despite some temporary setbacks, such as performance issues, it is also that way the trend is pointing. A proof of it is not the least that the language JavaScript, which is often an important part of html5 solutions are becoming increasingly popular. The next really big breakthrough for html5 will probably be as a technology for creating mobile apps. There are many indications that the breakthrough came in 2014.


The transition to the new address solution for internet has not been as rapid as many have believed, but it is happening. The shift is inevitable in the long run, because the older type of addresses simply run out. More and more people now realize that investing in IPv6 is necessary and begins to examine how address change will be done and the consequences it brings. Hopefully, the end users will not notice so much of it all.

Software Defined … yes, everything

Network, storage, and entire data centers. Different types of IT solutions based increasingly on smart software rather than specialized hardware. The development is logical in times when flexibility and quick operation starts becoming more important. Hopefully the leading suppliers to gather around common standards, so that their components are interchangeable. But it is far from certain.

Smarter public decision support

Many are those who have found a friend in Google Analytics to analyze their site. But as the use increases, so also increasing discontent over how awkward it, and other similar tools, is to use. To offer easy use public decision support tool will be a guaranteed an important competitive advantage in 2014. It is no longer enough to just make the data available.

Mobile Payments

The physical wallet, filled with plastic cards, are coming off. 2014 promises to be the year when mobile payments true breakthrough, thanks to plastic card giants MasterCard and Visa Launches respective services. The concept is that you can carry around a digital wallet on his cell phone, which you bring up and use when paying at the checkout. The services that are available and are heading out on the market use either of sticky notes with qr codes that you’re shooting at checkout, or underage so-called NFC technology that transmits information between your mobile phone and checkout. Mobile solutions can also handle receipts and discount offers, one which operators hope will attract a quick transition.

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