Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Users do not know what they want" - IT.Branschen

Usability, user experience and service design are concepts that can be heard more often. It is about letting development take its beginning in user requirements and create systems that work for what they are meant to serve.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – For some years ago we often regarded as softies when we came out to the companies and spoke to gather user perspective. Once I was so angry so I said I hate people but love money and the only way to make money is to make it easy for people, says Johan Berndtsson, usability expert and a founder of Inuse.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – That I hates people were so clearly not true and we did not get the deal either so it was moreover not so well expressed. But it is important to remember to have operational and business benefits basically because if we increase usability it serves companies or organizations money on it. In addition, people’s lives easier and more enjoyable.

class=”paragraphIntro”> Success with it is important to really give out to users and see how they work. It does not work to send out surveys and ask them.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – Users can not formulate what they want. You have to look at their behavior and needs. So do Apple also when designing their products – they do not use focus groups and they do right because it is wasted.

class=”paragraphIntro”> Creating good user experiences is not difficult and does not take much time, according to Johan Berndtsson – what is needed is an understanding that the benefit arises in use, skills and systematic work.

Inuses top tips to build great sites and services. (Click on the image to see it full size.)

class=”paragraphIntro”> – Define commercial benefits, be sure to understand the users and and designing solutions that make to the benefit of both business and users. When the system is launched and used – keep up continuous improvement.

class=”paragraphIntro”> A common miss is that you do not think through the basic purpose of the project you’re working on, and set measurable goals.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – We worked with a large furniture company that had developed three variants of a new site but was not able to choose which one would take. We were called in and got to watch them. The text looked a little different and low in slightly different places, the photos were a little different placed – so we asked them what the purpose was? They could not answer.

class=”paragraphIntro”> next step was to figure out the purpose of the site. Was it to draw more customers into the stores? Getting them to act directly on the site? Or to strengthen the brand? It also became difficult to choose. So then went Johan Berndt’s son, and the other consultants simply to the sales department which found that it was worth it as the best was to get customers into the stores.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – if you do not know what you are heading towards becoming all design proposals as well. When you can not prioritize requirements and then you know not to have succeeded or not. Keeping time targets and budget is not good enough unless you know what you achieved.
Today is bought very directly from the shelf and the users do not have much influence over elections.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – It’s nothing wrong with the standard program. But you have to count on the full cost. Today, if you look just at the other parameters and has no usability assessment criterion. Where should I add criteria and clear objectives for the needs of users. And if a standard program can not be configured to what you want you should not buy it, he says.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – Secondly, just buy standard software for managing support processes, not because it is the business center, otherwise you lose an important competitive advantage.

Municipalities can leak sensitive data - Swedish Dagbladet

Criminal groups have planted malicious software on hundreds of computers in the country’s municipalities and universities, according to statistics from the National Agency for social protection and preparedness, MSB, which continuously monitors the Internet traffic. From October 31 to November 27 was identified infection in 379 municipal computers and 269 computers belonging to universities and colleges.

The malware spreads by users downloading infected files or visit infected websites, and in turn acts as electronic backdoors that the criminal actors can use to access computers’ contents or remotely control them.

The ultimate consequence is that people wrongfully can access data from the social, cheat their way to higher scores on the University by ensuring the exams in advance, and stealing research data stored on computers.

problem is that the malicious code is becoming more and more sophisticated.

Jonas Thambert, IT Security Advisor at MSB.

- Will the wrong computers infected, it can obviously cause problems, such as sensitive information leaking out. Meanwhile, we have not the whole picture for us, but we see only a part of the computers that are infected. The problem is that the malicious code is becoming more and more sophisticated. Often it is about criminal networks eastward, in the former Soviet republics and China, says Jonas Thambert, IT Security Advisor at MSB.

Anders Söderström, CEO of security company Sentor, experiencing in touch with the customers to the private sector has a much higher awareness of cyber security issues than the public. According to Anders Söderström, municipalities, counties and colleges usually not as clear guidelines on how to protect sensitive information.

– It’s set tough demands on security of private companies that handle credit card data, the same requirement should be imposed on the public sector which processes personal data, he says.

Niklas Svensson, Head of IT Infrastructure in Kalmar Municipality, which received 226 rashes from October 22 to November 22, explains the high number of each computer gets its own address on the Internet, to Unlike other municipalities in which a large number of computers can hide behind a single address and thus provide fewer rashes.

– It is clear that there are few, it is, but we manage overall 5500 computers. In this perspective, it is still too many, but I do not think it’s disastrous many, he says.

Chalmers University of Technology, which is located at the top among higher education institutions, with 56 tee during the same period, will now investigate the issue.

– Would there be Trojans on computers that Chalmers takes it seriously, and we can not of course exclude. What we usually do in this situation is to check which computers it is, barring them from our network and inform users, says Tony Ottosson Gadd, IT manager at Chalmers.

ASUS shows GTX 780 ROG Poseidon with combined air and water coolers -

ASUS is preparing an exclusive GTX 780 video card with its own designed PCB and hybrid cooler.

In what can be seen as a response EVGA monster card GTX 780 Ti “Kingpin” edition shows ASUS GTX 780-based graphics cards bearing its ROG emblem, which indicates an overclocking-friendly version.
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Digital Inn is investing heavily in Uppsala - IT.Branschen

The new Apple-focused shop in Uppsala is Sweden’s largest, is expected to have sales of about 75 million in 2014, according to Digital Inn’s CEO Magnus Penker.

The new Uppsala Store get the whole Apple range plus a fully complete b2b department and service center to service Uppsala knowledge workers and knowledge industry.

– With a wide range of Apple products, third-party accessories and large portfolio of other companies products related to Apple’s offering, we open the gates to the largest Apple Premium Reseller. With this new store, we will be able to offer advisory services to corporate clients that require b2b services integration, MDM, on-site service, cloud-based services and preloaded mobile devices, says Magnus Penker.

In addition to an estimated sales of 75 million in 2014, he assesses the market in the region will grow further in the future due to a continuous increase in demand for services, consultation, but also thanks to the so-called Rit services, dealing with IT help at home.

class=”paragraphIntro”> Why Digital Inn investing heavily just in Uppsala, explains Magnus Penker like this:

– Our Vision is to be a knowledge worker obvious choices at home, in the company and in all other channels. Better place for a totally integrated Apple Premium Reseller than Uppsala might not be in Sweden. Uppsala is really knowledge capital and symbolizes exactly what we stand for, which makes it extra fun, says Magnus Penker.

It is the ocean's cutest - and most murderous - Metro

It is the ocean's cutest - and most murderous

It is the ocean’s cutest – and most murderous

hippo is perhaps the world’s most dangerous animals, but the seahorse is not far behind. They kill their prey in 9 of 10 cases. The trick: the fish perfectly designed horse’s head. The new research shows that even managed to get seahorse DEVICES deadly efficiency on film. Read the article and watch the movie here:

Friday, November 29, 2013

Therefore, there are plans ropeways in Gothenburg - New Technology

cable cars planned to go between Haga and Hisingen.

Tightly between departures, low power consumption and cheaper than building light rail. Gondolas floating above the Gota river has many benefits, according to a new pilot study.

– Cable cars can have an extremely high frequency, you can run a gondola every eight seconds if you want. The system is also very energy efficient and reliable, and you never get stuck in traffic jams, said Lisa Sakshaug.

She’s traffic and urban planners at the consulting firm Tyréns which conducted the feasibility study on the new cable cars in Gothenburg’s public transport. Several possible connections are proposed, including between Haga and Lindholmen on either side of the Göta River. It would require a relatively large range, because you do not want support in the river that disrupt shipping traffic.

– But there is not any major technical challenge. There are far greater distances between supports in other cable cars, for example, over the Volga River in Russia, where the span is 900 meters, says Lisa Sakshaug.

Winds of 28 meters per second, the cable car pass if it has three suspender. Gondola The average speed can be between 20 and 30 km / h, and each gondola can accommodate up to 20 passengers.

Cons then?

– A cable car is a major element in the government environment, and it’s a matter of what one thinks about it. Another potential drawback is that it can provide insight into apartments and villa gardens, but it can be solved with glass dimmed for example, she says.

Another ointment is that people who are afraid of heights would hardly appreciate that soar 45 feet above the river.

Tyréns have made a rough cost estimate showing that a cable car between Haga and Lindholmen would cost around SEK 300 million. If there is to be regarded as expensive or not depends on what you compare with. Starting the new bus routes on existing roads is cheaper. The construction of new light rail or bridges are more expensive.

study is one of several feasibility studies for Gothenburg’s anniversary schedule, to draw attention to the city fills 400 years in 2021.

Do you think the cable cars become reality?

– I hope so. The more I put myself into it, the better, I think the idea is. We also see that the cable cars to public transport is becoming more common in urban areas. It is now available in 35 cities, among others Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. London and Barcelona are two examples closer to home.

Gothenburg is proposed cableways - Aftonbladet

class=”abCity”> Gothenburg. Cable cars can be a part of the Gothenburg public transport in the future, including the transport of the Göta River. These results were added to the front of the municipality trafiknämnd, according to local media.

build a cable car from Haga District to Hising estimated to cost about 300 million. Frequency can be high, with several gondolas per minute. The track needs to go on 45 meters above the river, and is a clear feature of the cityscape.

But before any decision requires more investigation.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What makes the coil on the car antenna? - New Technology

TECHNOLOGY ISSUE. Make spiral of no use on the car’s radio antenna? In Ny Teknik Column Technique The question is what you readers who ask and answer difficult questions.

Reader Question:

On most modern cars is so entwined radio antennas of a spiral. Has this any practical purpose?


Do you know the answer to Martin’s question, or do you have new questions? Email to or answer in the comments column below.

It is you readers who both ask and answer intricate questions of technique issue.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"Mechanisms of games can improve the real world" - Swedish radio

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TV: Here Robyn dancing with his robot - New Technology

robot that celebrates Robyn will be completed by the end of January 2014. Photo: KTH

Now, Robyn met robot built at KTH in honor of the Swedish artist.

Nine students studying mechatronics course at KTH since last spring designed and built a robot that they dedicated to Robyn. Now begins the get ready and got to meet the Swedish superstar who visited robotic lab at KTH.

A dream for designers is that Robyn will dance with the actual robot on stage. One small step toward fulfilling that dream was taken during Robyn’s visit. In a video that documented meeting between the robot and Robyn seen her take some careful dance steps with his arms waving in the air.

But it was not the first time Rihanna met with the students. In May 2013, she made a visit there during the more than two hours talking about the project.

– She was very lucid and also interested in what robots can and can not do and what you can do creative things with those restrictions, said the student Elias Flening Ny Teknik after the meeting.

One reason for the build is that Robyn likes robots and has written songs like “Fembot” and “Robot Boy” writes technologies in a blog.

But this is not the only accolade by Robyn at KTH. Earlier this year she received the KTH great price and were rewarded with 1.2 million.

When the prize was announced said Robyn told Ny Teknik that she would donate the money for any purpose that reflects the vision of the future, pedagogy and have a scientific foundation.

The jury picked KTH, inter alia, that she is using the new technology in IT, audio and video in innovative and exciting ways.

Insurance: Harmful to charge the cell phone at night - 99mac

An apartment was destroyed by a fire caused by an Ipod charging. No one was hurt fortunately, but now warns If insurance company to charge their mobile devices at night.

Many people load their mobile phones, tablets and music players at night while they sleep. Recently destroyed an apartment in a fire caused by an Ipod that stood on the charge, and now want the insurance company If urge caution.

insurance company has done a study that shows that nearly nine out of ten Swedes charge your mobile while sleeping. Under If this means a risk because the battery could overheat and catch fire.

– We have received indications earlier that it may be overheating the batteries. But now, for the first time in Sweden, a case with a unit that caught fire and destroyed an entire apartment. Luckily no one got hurt, but the incident is so serious that we are calling for greater caution when charging, says Caroline Uliana, CIO at If.

Reports of fire or electric shock during the charging of mobile devices will now and then, but given the very large number of units sold compared to the few incidents the risk must still be limited. 99mac wrote last summer about a Chinese woman who got a shock of her mobile lying on the charge with a third-party charger. In that case, the charger was the culprit and not the rechargeable battery that If warns.

Does it happen that you charge your mobile / e-reader at night?

  • Yes, always: 47 percent

  • Yes, sometimes 41 percent

  • No, never: 12 percent

study was conducted by Yougov and 3768 people attended in September and October this year.

Risky to charge the cell phone at night - Västerbotten Courier

class=”photo”> AP / TT NEW OFFICE / ARCHIVES image has nothing to do with the article to do.

Consumer Recently totally destroyed an apartment in a fire caused by an iPod that was on charge.

Facts / How people responded

Does it happen that you charge your mobile / e-reader at night

Yes, always – 47%
Yes, sometimes – 41%
No, never – 12%

Source: YouGov

A new survey shows that nearly nine out of ten Swedes charge your mobile while sleeping. It carries a risk because the battery could overheat and catch fire. If now calls for increased caution when charging they write in a press release.

A survey by insurance company If shows that nearly nine out of ten, 88 percent, say that it happens that they are charging their mobiles and tablets when they sleep. If the device would then begin to burn, there is a highly dangerous situation.

– We have received indications earlier that it may be overheating the batteries. But now, for the first time in Sweden, a case with a unit that caught fire and destroyed an entire apartment. Luckily no one got hurt, but the incident is so serious that we are calling for greater caution when charging, says Caroline Uliana, CIO at If, in a press release.

There are batteries in the mobile device may overheat and in extreme cases catch fire. Lies on a bed, chair or other material that can easily ignite is a danger that the fire spread.

survey was conducted by YouGov of 3,768 people in the September / October 2013. The result you can see in the box.

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Knowit buys from Bisnode - IT.Branschen

class=”articleStory forvarv”> ACQUISITION consulting company Knowit buy Bisnode Applicate with 21 employees in Malmö and Stockholm.

Bisnode Applicate offers bespoke system development and administration. How much Knowit pay is not clear, but the purchase is paid in cash, subject to agreed objectives based on an additional purchase for over a year. The acquisition comes from today.

Class=”paragraphIntro”> – With the acquisition , we get a business, with many interesting clients in the private and public sectors that complement us in a good way. We are also strengthening our capabilities in advanced systems development and systems administration. The acquisition is in line with our strategy to offer commitments associated with full responsibility, says Mats Ohlsson, head of acquisitions at Knowit.

class=”paragraphIntro”> – Operations that divested offer application development and ongoing management with a focus on IT consulting and therefore has a different business model than our other operations in Bisnode. The sale is a natural step towards streamlining of Bisnode as a supplier of high-quality decision information, says Björn-Erik Karlsson, Nordic Manager at Bisnode.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Researcher: Husfärgen has no effect - New Technology

Company Thermogaia claim their paint reduces the building’s energy consumption. As proof, the company refers to Botkyrkabyggen house, which was painted a few years ago, which should have resulted in energy savings of twelve percent.
But Birla Sun does not stand behind the figure.

Scientists: Husfärgen has no effect

Four houses in Tumba, near Stockholm, has been painted externally with Thermogaias color thermo protection. Sobhit Chemmannur, who studies at KTH, lives in one of the houses but have not heard of the attempt to save energy by using paint. Photo: Christian Rehn

Forskare: Husfärgen has no effekt

Ulf Viktorsson. Photo: Birla Sun

Forskare: Husfärgen has no effekt

Berit maple. Photo: Linda Nohrstedt

about five years back selling Thermogaia a paint that can be used both externally and internally in the Swedish market. The color is reported to have dehumidifying and heat reflective properties, thanks in ceramic beads. The company states that the paint can lower energy requirements for heating by up to 24 percent. The real estate Birla Sun have painted four houses outside with Thermogaias color.

In late October, invited Thermogaia in a press seminar where Botkyrkabyggen would tell you about the energy savings that have been made in the houses.

New Technology calling Karl-Erik Pert, technical expert at Birla Sun and whoever started the experiment with color, he confirms an energy saving of 16 percent in the first year of measurement, and says that even a drying up of the facades have been measured.

According Thermogaia these are, after correction of software defects, about a 12 percent energy savings over the first two years.

Ulf Viktor Petersson, Botkyrkabyggen chief technology officer, said the company does not stand behind the numbers. Partly because the evaluation is not complete, partly because they repainted the houses have been compared with unpainted house, instead of houses that have been painted with a traditional color. Measurements do not show the color is better than the other colors, but only if it is better than not doing anything at all.

– We will not be able to provide answers to the industry about how much energy this method saves because our project is basically a comparison between apples and oranges, says Ulf Viktorsson.

He still thinks the evaluation of color has a value, because Botkyrkabyggen information may be supplemented with data from the houses that have been painted on with a traditional color.

However, it is nothing like Birla Sun plans to do in the current situation.

– We do not see our task in life is to do research. We hope that some others do further additional investigations and I will wait more scientific evidence of how this color works, says Ulf Viktorsson.

How is it that Birla Sun participates in a press seminar for which figures are reported as not you stand behind?

– I do not know how that happened. I do not think Karl-Erik was at the seminar to confirm or deny the figures but to contribute their practical experience with the method, says Ulf Viktorsson.

Berit Maple, President of Thermogaia, is surprised when she hears that Botkyrkabyggen technical manager thinks that the comparison with an unpainted houses limping.

– I understand that you want to test against regular paint, but I wonder why they do not have the same needs when talking about energy savings from insulation, she said.

Thermogaia has been criticized for not being able to prove its allegations by laboratory studies rather than implement repainting where it is difficult to verify that the correct variables are measured (see article).

Berit Maple says that there are no tests to evaluate the paint reflectivity in combination with dehumidification capability, but that discussions are ongoing with a number of professors to develop methods and make such studies.

– Our supplier has conducted tests of dehumidification and reflectivity of individual tests but there have been various opinions about the findings. Therefore we have chosen to go to customers and demonstrate the reality that color has an effect, she says.

But have you got enough on your feet to say that the color provides energy savings

– I believe so, because several measurements were made in Germany and we have measurements that are going on in Sweden, says Berit Maple.

This may be behind Apple's miljardköp - Business World

Apple has recently confirmed a purchase of Israeli PrimeSense for around 2.3 billion. The experts are now trying to determine what is available can culminate in.

Late on Sunday evening, Swedish time, Apple confirmed the acquisition of PrimeSense. The purchase amounts to $ 350 million, nearly 2.3 billion Swedish kronor.

PrimeSense is behind the 3D sensors based partly to Microsoft’s motion controller Kinect.

The Guardian writes that Apple’s takeover suggests that the company wants to use Prime Senses technology in the very near future in a new premium product.

Exactly what the product is, no one knows and Apple, understood the lid on, as usual.

“Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, but we usually do not discuss the purpose or plans with the acquisition,” the company said, according to Reuters.

One of the hottest rumors on the net is that the purchase of PrimeSense will be used for putative Apple TV launch and in that way make TV viewing interactive.

site Macrumors does not exclude that the technique can be used in future smartphones, tablets, laptops or other mobile devices.

Read an FAQ on Prime Senses products and what they can do.

spring 2012 reported technology site Cult of Mac that Apple was developing a TV with integrated touch screen control and a custom console. Rumor has so far not proved to be but considering the purchase of PrimeSense is not at all inconceivable that the same speculation begins again.

Apple was getting into the gaming market back in the 1990s, along with the Japanese manufacturer Bandai. The game console Pippin sold in close to 42 000 copies and after two years was scrapped project. When PC World listed the 25 worst technology products in 2006 ended the Apple Pippin console in place 22.

Ten hot fast growers on big data in the United States - Computer Sweden

– Computer Sweden:

See slideshow above

Interested in big data? Do not miss:
13 best opening tools for big data

Monday, November 25, 2013

Police war monster scares many - Metro

military withdraws from Iraq. It has led to a huge surplus of stock which is now distributed to U.S. rätsskipande authorities. Most startling is the vehicle MRAP, which is made to patrol mined roads in Iraq.

When they were built they cost around three million bucks a pop – now awarded 165 diesel-guzzling beasts free to the precincts.

– It is armored, it’s heavy, it’s scary – and it’s free, said Craig Apple, the police chief of Albany in New York State to AP.

question many are asking now is: What are they used for? With its 18 tons is too heavy to cross many bridges and roads. That it’s free is not entirely true. Building on the beast from military to police vehicles – which involves removing the machine gun – costing nearly half a million dollars. Additionally devour five liters of fuel per mil.

Already, the vehicles used in emergency where police may suspect that the perpetrator is heavily armed, when one of them found 50 kilograms materials for making bombs. But medborgarrätssorganisationer fear that police zeal to protect their lead to an arms race in which criminals acquire heavier and heavier weapons.

addition to the clean police cars have also been used for relief operations where regular police cars are not enough, as moving the tree that had fallen across roads.

Lena Andersson year's August Prize Winner

Lena Andersson year’s August Prize Winner

“The computer was twisting in Marseille, so I was compelled to write this story instead. I want to thank the guys who stole the computer. “

Two Swedish journalists abducted in Syria

Two Swedish journalists abducted in Syria

reporter Magnus Falkehed and photographer Niclas Hammarstrom has been arrested or abducted in Syria. It is unclear where they are right now.

Mortgage rates lowered in many places

Mortgage rates lowered in several places

More and more lenders lower interest rates – today followed Länsförsäkringar and Nordea trend. This week also lowered SBAB interest rates – and Swedbank even got back down from its rate hike after protests from customers

“actions of the police after the beating scary”

“It’s scary,” said Marie about the actions of the police after she reported her ex-partner for assault.

Donate your Facebook Status and save lives,

Donate Your Facebook Status and save lives

fundraising campaign – now begins the Red Cross new partnership with Facebook.

Neighbor testifies about toddler inside the slave house

Neighbor testifies about toddler inside the slave house

The news that British police freed three women who for 30 years had been kept locked up in a pair of South London, has shaken an entire country. Now, the information that children may have been held there.