Usability, user experience and service design are concepts that can be heard more often. It is about letting development take its beginning in user requirements and create systems that work for what they are meant to serve.
class=”paragraphIntro”> – For some years ago we often regarded as softies when we came out to the companies and spoke to gather user perspective. Once I was so angry so I said I hate people but love money and the only way to make money is to make it easy for people, says Johan Berndtsson, usability expert and a founder of Inuse.
class=”paragraphIntro”> – That I hates people were so clearly not true and we did not get the deal either so it was moreover not so well expressed. But it is important to remember to have operational and business benefits basically because if we increase usability it serves companies or organizations money on it. In addition, people’s lives easier and more enjoyable.
class=”paragraphIntro”> Success with it is important to really give out to users and see how they work. It does not work to send out surveys and ask them.
class=”paragraphIntro”> – Users can not formulate what they want. You have to look at their behavior and needs. So do Apple also when designing their products – they do not use focus groups and they do right because it is wasted.
class=”paragraphIntro”> Creating good user experiences is not difficult and does not take much time, according to Johan Berndtsson – what is needed is an understanding that the benefit arises in use, skills and systematic work.
Inuses top tips to build great sites and services. (Click on the image to see it full size.)
class=”paragraphIntro”> – Define commercial benefits, be sure to understand the users and and designing solutions that make to the benefit of both business and users. When the system is launched and used – keep up continuous improvement.
class=”paragraphIntro”> A common miss is that you do not think through the basic purpose of the project you’re working on, and set measurable goals.
class=”paragraphIntro”> – We worked with a large furniture company that had developed three variants of a new site but was not able to choose which one would take. We were called in and got to watch them. The text looked a little different and low in slightly different places, the photos were a little different placed – so we asked them what the purpose was? They could not answer.
class=”paragraphIntro”> next step was to figure out the purpose of the site. Was it to draw more customers into the stores? Getting them to act directly on the site? Or to strengthen the brand? It also became difficult to choose. So then went Johan Berndt’s son, and the other consultants simply to the sales department which found that it was worth it as the best was to get customers into the stores.
class=”paragraphIntro”> – if you do not know what you are heading towards becoming all design proposals as well. When you can not prioritize requirements and then you know not to have succeeded or not. Keeping time targets and budget is not good enough unless you know what you achieved.
Today is bought very directly from the shelf and the users do not have much influence over elections.
class=”paragraphIntro”> – It’s nothing wrong with the standard program. But you have to count on the full cost. Today, if you look just at the other parameters and has no usability assessment criterion. Where should I add criteria and clear objectives for the needs of users. And if a standard program can not be configured to what you want you should not buy it, he says.
class=”paragraphIntro”> – Secondly, just buy standard software for managing support processes, not because it is the business center, otherwise you lose an important competitive advantage.