Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TV: Here Robyn dancing with his robot - New Technology

robot that celebrates Robyn will be completed by the end of January 2014. Photo: KTH

Now, Robyn met robot built at KTH in honor of the Swedish artist.

Nine students studying mechatronics course at KTH since last spring designed and built a robot that they dedicated to Robyn. Now begins the get ready and got to meet the Swedish superstar who visited robotic lab at KTH.

A dream for designers is that Robyn will dance with the actual robot on stage. One small step toward fulfilling that dream was taken during Robyn’s visit. In a video that documented meeting between the robot and Robyn seen her take some careful dance steps with his arms waving in the air.

But it was not the first time Rihanna met with the students. In May 2013, she made a visit there during the more than two hours talking about the project.

– She was very lucid and also interested in what robots can and can not do and what you can do creative things with those restrictions, said the student Elias Flening Ny Teknik after the meeting.

One reason for the build is that Robyn likes robots and has written songs like “Fembot” and “Robot Boy” writes technologies in a blog.

But this is not the only accolade by Robyn at KTH. Earlier this year she received the KTH great price and were rewarded with 1.2 million.

When the prize was announced said Robyn told Ny Teknik that she would donate the money for any purpose that reflects the vision of the future, pedagogy and have a scientific foundation.

The jury picked KTH, inter alia, that she is using the new technology in IT, audio and video in innovative and exciting ways.

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