Sunday, November 24, 2013

Research Council against the language law - New Bank

Research Council in Languages ??Act

class=”c4″> According to an article in Dagens Nyheter on November 15, the Swedish Research Council’s Board decided to gradually phase out financial support to a number of humanities and social science journals starting in 2015.

As far as we know, involved 31 journals, which this year received grants for a total of 3.5 million (less than one per thousand of the Research Council’s grants budget). Of the titles, it seems 18-19 of these journals have Swedish as publishing language.

Considering that the Swedish Research Council is an agency, which is state-funded, we will recall the Language Act provisions:

“4 § Swedish is the main language in Sweden.
§ 5 main language is Swedish society’s common language that everyone living in Sweden should have access to and that can be used in all areas of society.
6 § The public sector has a special responsibility for the use and development. “
About Swedish language continued to function as a society bearing the language for all domains, it is necessary that it actively used and constantly evolving, even in the scientific field. Scientific journals in Swedish is very important to convey scientific findings and results to the Swedish society. Not least is the scholarly journals are especially important as they create stadiums or infrastructure for a more in scientific debate, as many times the appropriate place within the Scandinavian languages.
Swedish-language magazines also lend themselves particularly well to the publication of studies that conducted operations near and in applied form, with the aim of developing different activities, working methods, products / services, or procedures rather than pure theoretical development. These types of studies is increasing and is often whim of situation-specific or site-specific that they are not meaningful to discuss before a global audience. The results are often the more interesting for a “wider audience” (non-scientific), then the faster it will be workable in practice or in training organization. Good examples of Scandinavian / Swedish language journals that have this feature’s Health in the North, Läkartidningen, Educational Research in Sweden and Political Science Journal. But the list is much longer in magazines today can be said to have this result bridging and innovation scattering function. One feature that particularly highlighted as particularly important in the last two research bills.
The Language Defence perception that humanities and social science journals on Swedish special treatment must be positive. Topics such as history, political science and literature is naturally tied to the national language. Within the various doctrines are constantly evolving new concepts and definitions and already tend newer findings that more frequently than previously given Swedish concept. This makes the Swede eventually become poorer and more hollowed out, for what is scientific concepts today belongs to many times everyday language in the morning.
Therefore, we urge that the Research Council unravels its decision on the humanities and political science journals whose main publishing language is Swedish, and rather enhances incentives for scientific publishing in Swedish.

Language Defence Board

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