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Makeup School: Make 3D lips in 3 steps
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Their demands: “Get out”
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Mass evacuation after an oil explosion in China
13 Photos
How good is the new Playstation
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Here is the list of Sweden’s 25 most powerful
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Norwegian newspapers in ecstasy over the world title
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Here is the computer industry’s answer to Billy bookcase
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Monster trio to save the train ride in winter
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Every snowflake is unique
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New-breed remains puppy for life
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2-year-old who renewed Gothenburg
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Dark and cozy meat tavern
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Building the world’s tallest water slide
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Talk about living in a fishing village
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It raises Maven to Mars
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jackets that lets you keep the style in winter
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Do you remember these presents?
why I buy no Christmas gifts this year
Cissi Wallin: “What should adults with an okay income with Christmas presents for?”
I am the world’s most pliable journalist
ERIK EJE ALMQVIST: When I can not sleep, I return to one of my favorite fantasies.
“How to keep you going to be fifteen years?”
Fridah Jönsson: “Life played and still ended up with two years of CBT therapy.”
Norberg: “Obamacare is a real disaster,”
Obama wanted to change a system that gave too expensive to care for the few, but the whole reform could collapse.
Be as smart as your smartphone
HILLEVI WAHL: Do you think the trend watchers can white mobile months should be the new black.
We are prepared to engage
Goran Greider: Why is there so desperately little about the storm’s ravages in all probability have climate change to do?
A 65-year-old man was found dead this afternoon in his apartment in Hällekis in Västergötland. Police suspect that the man has been murdered. It was the staff from home help who found the body on the floor of the home and raised the alarm. The man was in such a way that the police suspect a crime. After the doctor examined the body headlined the event as manslaughter alternatively murder. The accomodation …
Lena Andersson year’s August Prize Winner
“The computer was twisting in Marseille, so I was compelled to write this story instead. I want to thank the guys who stole the computer. “
Two Swedish journalists abducted in Syria
reporter Magnus Falkehed and photographer Niclas Hammarstrom has been arrested or abducted in Syria. It is unclear where they are right now.
Mortgage rates lowered in several places
More and more lenders lower interest rates – today followed Länsförsäkringar and Nordea trend. This week also lowered SBAB interest rates – and Swedbank even got back down from its rate hike after protests from customers
“actions of the police after the beating scary”
“It’s scary,” said Marie about the actions of the police after she reported her ex-partner for assault.
Donate Your Facebook Status and save lives
fundraising campaign – now begins the Red Cross new partnership with Facebook.
Neighbor testifies about toddler inside the slave house
The news that British police freed three women who for 30 years had been kept locked up in a pair of South London, has shaken an entire country. Now, the information that children may have been held there.
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