Actually, she had intended to become a doctor. But a high school teacher got her to seek engineering. Now leads Jenny Johansson, one of Sweden’s largest design projects.
For three years, Jenny Johansson been ÅF mission manager at the giant project Bypass Stockholm. Now she has gone over to the next mammoth project: high-speed railway Ostlänken. It involves new double track railway between Järna and Linköping, which will be designed so that trains can run at 320 kilometers per hour.
Jenny Johansson is responsible for ÅF’s and Tyréns part of the project, which covers about three mil between Södertälje and Trosa. The contract is estimated to be worth USD 100-300 million.
The work is varied and changeable.
-Man never know what issues can crop up from day to day. I usually have a plan for the day, but it changes frequently, depending on what is most urgent, says Jenny Johansson.
In Project bazaar she approximately 250 employees. The biggest challenge is to ensure that the information flows work in such a large group, she says:
-When you get above a certain number of project participants have to work very much with those issues.
So how are you doing?
We are working in several ways: with information, e-mail, information sessions and video conferences. You have to talk to each other and not get caught in mail swamp, it is so easy it becomes misunderstanding email. But it is also important to divide the work in groups, they will see it as less parts.
Is the work fun?
Yeah, I work with the people, it’s very fun and challenging. You learn something new every day. All people have different experiences and approaches, it is great fun.
The women leading design projects within the construction sector is not so unusual. But it is more rare that women who control such large assignments Jenny Johansson.
Even more unusual is helkvinnliga working meetings between client and planners . But it actually occurred when Jenny Johansson led ÅF’s design work on two interchanges on the Stockholm Bypass.
-Trafikverket had a female project manager and Her project leaders were also girls. I had an assistant project manager who was girl, so when we had meetings, we were just girls, says Jenny Johansson.
When New Technology this spring ranked Sweden’s most influential and inspiring women engineers ended Jenny Johansson in third place.
It was very fun and very surprising. It felt almost a bit unreal, it’s not so common that anyone in our industry get so much attention, she says.
The list did it is clear how many different tasks engineers can work with, like Jenny Johansson. She herself is a civil engineer with specialization in civil engineering and graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology in 2003. About a quarter of the course are the women, she believes, the rest were men.
– I did not think much of it. I have always had very male friends and felt comfortable with it. It was good cohesion and atmosphere in the training, she says.
The mission of the East Link is about developing a railway, system documentation, and environmental impact assessment. It means to describe all the technology systems needed in the facility without going down the level of detail.
It’s about finding some new solutions for high-speed system to work. You can not do what you have always done, but must think about and do some investigative work, it is fun.
ÅF and Tyréns missions on the Eastern Link extends until 2017.
Are you going to spy on the East Link in the team?
-Nejdå. When working with large projects have to find targets to work for, so as to take one thing at the ceiling.
Jenny Johansson read four-year technical with building specialization in high school. But parallel complemented her with science subjects because her plan was to become a doctor.
A teacher in structural engineering urged her to seek the MSc program with focusing on road and water.
-So I did it. Since I did not come in to medical school, but I came in on the road and the water. So I thought that I start there and then I can change. But then I liked it so well, so I sought never to medical school, she says.
What are you thinking about it Today?
It was very good. I have never regretted it.
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